Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.


Hey all, I sprouted 2 Purple Gem seeds and a freebie "La Bella Afrodita" feminized seed about 4-5 weeks ago. They have been growing outdoors and were stunted and stressed a bit with some cold spikes we had earlier. Anyways, I came back from a trip and were surprised they are still alive, but one of the purp gems' seems to be a hermi- it is predominantly male organs with a few pistils at the base.

I'm attempting to cross the one weird male/hermi with my other purple gem female and bella afrodita female, I'm all about getting seeds from this harvest as I also have 4 other young purple gems sprouting. I've already seen tons of pollen come from the male/hermi and applied it to the pistil hairs on the other two. I'm very curious to see if these seeds turn out viable, predominately male or female, if they keep the purple color traits, auto flower traits, etc.

Any speculation or suggestions are welcomed! :blsmoke:IMAG0900.jpgIMAG0904.jpg


Well-Known Member
that close thay have already probably crossed take what ever pollen is left dry it put in a small air tight container and save it for another day the purple gems are really pretty wish i could get a room full of the pheno that looks like grape soda
i do hope this hermi was stress related and not a mutation other wise it could very well be passed on that is a rather strange structure it has looks almost like a vine

:) put some lattice up and let it crawl lol that would be awesome though i just hope one day they come up with a cannabis that vines and has buds the size of watermelons then life would be so much easier >.< j/k j/k good luck with it bro


Well-Known Member
forgot to add if it is a stress hermi and not a genetic then your seeds will be feminized keep your fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
i mean they would be feminized if it was a genetic herm just the trait would be passed on more then likely


Hey tekdc thanks for the posts, haha yea it does look like a vine- who knows maybe I will get some crazy growth structures or patterns with those genetics. That one purple gem in particular was stressed a lot, so I think it was a stress-induced hermi. But either way it will be fun to see what genetics and phenotypes show with the seeds, I'll try to keep up with posting the progress here. -I'm going to gather some pollen right now.:mrgreen:


Heres the update on my plants, one pic is of the bella afrodita strain, and a pic of seeds developing on the older purple gem.

Some of the seeds look brown and ready to fall out of the calyx, and I'm not sure if there are a lot of seeds that need more time, how uniform is the overall maturation of seeds on a plant?
Would the shorter-span auto flower trait reflect the time I need to wait for viable seeds? I want to maximize the seeds I can get from this little messed up plant, the hairs have turned brown and shriveled up at least a week ago..should I continue to let it be or chop it??

I also have 3 more purple gems which just recently showed their hairs/ pollen sacks (2 females and 1 male), ...I'm thinking I want more seeds.:hump:


Well-Known Member
you can just knock them out when they start to look ready lower buds mature slower the ones on the ends are probably done just knock one out near the main stem and inspect it


you can just knock them out when they start to look ready lower buds mature slower the ones on the ends are probably done just knock one out near the main stem and inspect it
Good advice, I already got a few seeds out from the outer calyx's so I'll just wait a bit more for the inner-seeds. The bella-afrodita is going to give me a bunch of seeds as well, lots of very swollen calyx's- this should be an interesting cross with the purp gems. I'm very curious to see if the seeds turn out feminized or if genetic hermi-traits were passed down.

I also just started germinating 2 leftover purple pineberry seeds, which have a very short flowering time for non-auto flowering (6 weeks). I want to use my purple gem pollen to cross with these (if i get a female).


Well I decided to chop the plants today, as some seeds were on the brink of falling out. I think I'll get 40-50 from the purple gem and at least 60 from the bella afrodita X purple gem, or should I say "purple afrodita". Btw the afrodita smells like skunky coffee to me, or at least this pheno does, very distinct roasted coffee smell. My other purple gems are coming along as well which have a light floral/berry smell.


BTW my other purple jems are about 5 weeks from seed and I see no trace of purple color on them, I didn't realize that this trait was variable- and I feel lucky i was able to cross a purple female with a purple male...


Week 5 -Purple Jems- (Random organic soil mix with perlite and aged horse manure), watered only when soil is dry 3" below surface with small amount of "bio bizz bloom" in neutral ph water.



Well-Known Member
you can force them to show colors just give them more dark if there grown indoors if they show purple or blue ill leave them in the dark for 2-3 days before the chop
helps bring them out


you can force them to show colors just give them more dark if there grown indoors if they show purple or blue ill leave them in the dark for 2-3 days before the chop
helps bring them out
I'll probably do that, these are 100% outdoor grown btw. I hear putting them in the dark days before harvest is good also because it puts the plants into shock- so they end up producing a lot of resin as a stress response so I might as well. Maybe I'm speaking too soon for the purple color to show, I can't remember what week of flowering the other gems started showing. I actually went on a trip and was surprised to see they were still alive when I got back, lol.

After doing some research, even if these turn out to be the green pheno, the breeder says it produces better smoke than the purple. It's a win/win.;-)

I feel like every stage of growing is like christmas, it's like opening a present every time you see a new pheno, not to mention harvest-day haha.


Here are the seeds harvested, Purple Jems x Purple Jems, and the Afrodita x Purple Jems. I got a bit on smokable plant matter on top of it, enough to last me till the others are ready for harvest. I want to sprout some seeds so bad, but I know I'd be better off waiting for them to dry out more.



Update on Purple Jems (Week 6?)

I cut the male and am storing the pollen. These both still appear to be the green pheno, and have a different smell as well (more piney and not as berry-like). They are both about a foot tall, can I expect to see a lot more growth out of these??



Well-Known Member
a auto is truly finished when the fans are gone they shrivel up and die off then it starts eating at the water leaves its up to you the green pheno is just a ruderalis dominant prolly wouldnt hurt to go 8-10 weeks just check the trichs
im not a big outdoor grower but they should dense up and try to make a bud on a stick


Well-Known Member
i got 3 of these as a freebie Delicious La Frutta Di Venus Auto hoping there good never tried them


Nice, that looks like a good strain, I'll have to check out your grow.

I just took these today, the leaves are pointing up- is it ok for this to happen? The soil is still damp so I don't want to water yet.



I got about 1/4 from these two plants, I'll post some pics of the bud I have left when I get a chance (Purple Jems green pheno). The buds are nice but small with quite a few trichomes, they smell piney and licorice, taste is nothing special, and the high is a good mix of body and head. The high hit me immediately while smoking a j of this, it was a fairly racy head high and I got lost in my conscious for 30min, but then it tapered off and I felt relaxed and very tired after an hour.

On another note, I am growing two Purp Jem X Bella Afrodita crosses from my harvested seeds, and have already crossed them, the seeds are developing right now and the plant looks decent. I can't wait to see what the offspring's pheno's will be like. Most likely it will be like purple jems but with the better yield and potency of bella afrodita.


Hey, Glad I saw this thread...
The JEM that looks like a vine is cool, I've had a few of them myself and they are always Hermi.
Mossy, the guy that made the JEM said he has had the vine pheno also and his are always hermi.
Most likely your cross will have more of the vine pheno show up and most likely they will too be hermi.
If you successfully make a cross that has the vine pheno without the hermi than I know some people that will be very interested in that. I tried to pollinate a Mossy's Purple JEM with the vine hermi but allas all that happened was the vine pheno showed up in about every other plant and they were hermi and the other plants were just straight JEM's that did perfect.

Hope you have a different outcome but the odds are against you.