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  1. TonyAndHisWeed

    advice for my growspace (im a newbie)

    most (if not all) of my questions end up with the same answer, go buy this or that. i just need to keep it alive until the weather is nicer
  2. TonyAndHisWeed

    advice for my growspace (im a newbie)

    i agree.. i figured the tin foil would suck for reflecting the light.. but i kept it on because it's been keeping the plant warm. it's still kind of cold here. i'm trying to grow without actually spending any money. i plan on just putting the plant outside in the greenhouse once the weather...
  3. TonyAndHisWeed

    advice for my growspace (im a newbie)

    Sorry that the pictures are so poor, the first one is the better of the two. they're good enoguh to show. i also put a small towel over the top to keep the heat in.
  4. TonyAndHisWeed

    advice for my growspace (im a newbie)

    yeah i was told to line the walls with tin foil for light reflection, right now i'm using fruit tea (learned how to make it off of the organics 101 forum thread). the air purifier moves the air really well, it has three settings (low, med and high) i used to use it as a fan for myself before i...
  5. TonyAndHisWeed

    advice for my growspace (im a newbie)

    the closet is 5ft by 2 1/2 ft i only have two 14w cfls. it's obvious that i need better equipment, but in the mean time is there anything i should to to make the space alittle better to use
  6. TonyAndHisWeed

    advice for my growspace (im a newbie)

    my grow room/space is a closet. i have a coule of lights and an airpurifier in there so far, is there anything i should do to better my growspace? this is the first time ive grown and this my first grow space
  7. TonyAndHisWeed

    any advice, tips, or info on my first grow?

    these are the lamps that i'm currently using..i plan on putting the plant outside during the day to get natural light, then bring it in at night and put it under the lights. i just started alittle early in the season, so the weather hasn't gotten...'Nice' yet..
  8. TonyAndHisWeed

    Is my plant healthy?

    it looks like its doing fine to me, i'm new at this though. i started my very first grow on march 10th and ive run into a couple of problems. heres a pic of my plant (taken 4/6/13 sorry that they're not the best quality)
  9. TonyAndHisWeed

    Some of you guys are missing out on the legal things

    i just happened to stumble on this thread, and found a few like-minded people. i just polished off a bottle of crown royal.
  10. TonyAndHisWeed

    any advice, tips, or info on my first grow?

    i just started my first grow on march 10th from a bagseed, the seed germinated in three days and sprouted up out of the dirt in another three days. everything has been going well, i did run into some health issues with the plant (i left for four days, came back and the plant had started to turn...
  11. TonyAndHisWeed

    PLEASE HELP !! having problems with my young plant!!!

    i think this post is dead now. thanks for all the help guys, my plant is doing alot better now.
  12. TonyAndHisWeed

    PLEASE HELP !! having problems with my young plant!!!

    ive been putting it outside to get sun and fresh air everyday, if that counts for anything.
  13. TonyAndHisWeed

    PLEASE HELP !! having problems with my young plant!!!

    i plan on growing in the future, when i can put something into it and have better equipment.i'm hoping the plant will make it far enough that i can try to make clones off of it, hopefully then ill have enough cash to upgrade everything.
  14. TonyAndHisWeed

    PLEASE HELP !! having problems with my young plant!!!

    i've done alot of research, i just don't have any money to put into my grow. if i did i wouldn't be using random dirt and a desk lamp lmao
  15. TonyAndHisWeed

    PLEASE HELP !! having problems with my young plant!!!

    this is after i put it in a flower pot with new soil. the first picture shows the discoloration i mentioned (sorry its not that clear, but you should still be able to see what im talkig about). the second shows the lights i have on it ( just two 15w clfs) any comments, advice, or info would be...
  16. TonyAndHisWeed

    Organic Feeding 101.

    very helpful post, thanks:weed:
  17. TonyAndHisWeed

    PLEASE HELP !! having problems with my young plant!!!

    i changed the soil and put it into a flower pot. it looks to be doing better. i was wondering i should give it miracle-gro "shake 'n feed" or not, i dont want to if it will hurt the plant since it's already in a weakened state..
  18. TonyAndHisWeed

    PLEASE HELP !! having problems with my young plant!!!

    i'll give that a shot, thanks for all the post. i'll update in a few days to see how it goes.
  19. TonyAndHisWeed

    PLEASE HELP !! having problems with my young plant!!!

    i found the soil in a flower pot outside, if i transfer it to something else with better soil will it help with the discoloration on the end of the true leaves?