Is my plant healthy?


I wouldn't take the chance the roots might tangle then you would just mess up your whole grow, and you can't bring them in and out like that for the whole grow or else you will all of your plants.


Well-Known Member
hey man im new here, i think our plants our about the same age bro, you should check my posts, maybe we have some similarities when did you plant yours in the soil? Im on day 11 right now i will post up a pic now View attachment 2592473 this is what it looks like as of 1:54pm 3/29/2013 i got three sprouts

Trying to grow 3 plants together is a terrible idea

edit: sorry missed the second page


Well-Known Member
so you think i need to repot these fast?
Do it fast u dnt know the sex of the beans the roots will grow together and if that happens and it's male females ur grow is over.u pull up one the other dies u cut the male away get root rot grow m*f together u get seeds.lose lose bro just do it like Nike no worries


Well-Known Member
I don't have very much soil right now. I'm very low on supplies. I'm literally stealing soil from a house that lives by me lol.
Funny as that is bro u can hit ur local hardware store and get and less than 25 bucks gets u like 3.50cf add a half cup dolomite lime because after mix its mostly peat and bark half/half is the ratio if u can get perlite 25% a great starter kit dnt risk a case for a few gallons of b.s soil come on man!


most everybody bombs their first go round , if u can grow a tomato u can grow ... i think ure smart using bag seed first go round, no money up a wild boar's ass .
it looks like its doing fine to me, i'm new at this though. i started my very first grow on march 10th and ive run into a couple of problems.

heres a pic of my plant4-6-2013.jpg4-6-2013 2.jpg (taken 4/6/13 sorry that they're not the best quality)


just dont love them to death they'ii do the rest . dont over water , dont throw the nutes to them and burn them . water , water, feed ,not all at once , when needed it is vry simple, look but dont touch is good rule. hope this helps .


It sucks this plant got stolen.. I was growing it in Texas but it just goes to show, you cant trust anyone. Poor plant, it had potential.