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  1. R

    Is this a Hermie?

    I'd need a better picture of the under side to make a proper judgement, however it definitely appears to be seeding! I'd cut her down soon! Ghost
  2. R

    10 day old plant wilting

    I would highly recommend you keep her in the current location for a week or two longer. Make sure that the water is drying up completely before each water, and the proper drain holes are placed. If she is getting a lack of fresh air, lack of a humid mild climate, she will start to wilt, you...
  3. R

    is this cal/mag def?

    As you can see the top canopy has no deficiency, do to the cal-mag deficiency starts from the bottom up! Hit it with some cal-mag, and see if the effected areas start to show promising growth, it may not heal 100% but it will look healthier! Ghost
  4. R

    What's up with my plants?

    If the room stays 70-80 degrees F then you can rule out Heat Stress, however if it gets over 80 and closer to 85 90 heat stress will cause this problem. I have also encountered the first 2 pictures, with surplus amounts of nutrients in the soil, a ph unbalance if you will! It doesn't look...
  5. R

    Horrible Accident Need Help

    I know people who use roots organic with great results! I wouldn't doubt it for a second. It appears you are using Cups at the current phase your plants are in, if not correct me. I would let them go 2-3 weeks longer, in the current home so the roots can really wind up, kind of like a Yo-Yo...
  6. R

    Horrible Accident Need Help

    I see little to no problems here! Basically you used an old bottle with a tad bit of nutrient which can be considered a foliar spray. If you want food for thought, imagine if you were sick, and you were constantly disturbed and unable to rest, it could pro-long your illness! With young ladies...
  7. R

    Main stalk broke in half, what do

    Haha, when my ladies and i do our morning stretches and workouts we tend to get funny looks, but they only come back bigger, and more beautiful! I do however compensate the structure with nets and bamboo sticks to aid the regrowth, and CO2 to keep the bends and breaks healthy! In theory its...
  8. R

    spots on seedlings

    For the little guys, always make sure Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrogen are never a problem! If you are sure about that, then other factors may be factored in but those are the early symptoms of problematic growth! Ghost
  9. R

    Main stalk broke in half, what do

    Yo bro, i train my plants and when i do so i break them LITERALLY break the stalks, and the wilting will occur, but unless its lifeless which tends to give you a pale blue color, do not CUT IT OFF! It will grow back! Have faith! Ghost