10 day old plant wilting


My plant was doing good till 4 days ago now she willing I bin doing my research I haven't watered since. She's in happy frog and alil perlite what I'm not trippin just would like a lil input.IMAG0654.jpgIMAG0655.jpg


Well-Known Member
Like last week soon. Your roots probably need more room to stretch out. I know on one of my hydro plants I had just a few little hairs sticking below the top-half of the WaterFarm and 6 days later I had a huge ball of roots hanging. Big balls are nice.................root balls that is.

benton OG

Well-Known Member
Remember when you start feeding nutes in a week or so... less is more. Put a fan nearby so you can strengthen your stem.


Active Member
Happy frog can have too much "N" in it for a seedling-- and we found the pH to be 'off"...so check the pH of your runoff... wait-- where are your drain holes?? You may be drowning them???

When you transplant- try Light warrior instead of Happy frog or cut with extra pearlite..... When you start to feed, follow a schedule and be precise... but wait longer that what they say, since Happy frog is quite rich to start with.
what are your temps? If it is too cold at that stage in damp soil- you can get a disease called "dampening off" where the stalk gets flimsy, and the plant falls over & dies....
be sure the temps are ok and you have good air-movement and you should be ok....


I plan on transplanting into ffof is it to young to ffof? If so should I mix sum of the hf. And I don't have to feed the nutes for 2wks transplanting in2 ffof?


I would highly recommend you keep her in the current location for a week or two longer.

Make sure that the water is drying up completely before each water, and the proper drain holes are placed.

If she is getting a lack of fresh air, lack of a humid mild climate, she will start to wilt, you want her to stretch in a small home so she can occupy the bigger home with ease!



Well-Known Member
If you have issues with your plants, FFOF is not the solution. FFOF is super hot. You are growing cheese, which if im not mistaken, hates nutes. FFOF will merk that bad boy right quick :) Just give her a larger space to breath in and some light mix in veg and she will be golden. Its flowering thats a bitch :) Good Luck!