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  1. marzbars00

    Sick plant anyone know whats up? Also fruit flys :(

    g00sEgg it could be too hot, dannyboy602 there fruit flys i know what a fruit fly looks like and if u think i burnt my plant with nuts no i didnt cause its only on two or three top leaves maybe with the light but this may not be the case as i am using CFL lights and there more then 8-10...
  2. marzbars00

    Sick plant anyone know whats up? Also fruit flys :(

    whats up guys, iv a sick plant here with yellowing leaves and red stem any one know what i should do also fruit flys iv tried oil/soap mix and a strong fruit/veg pesicide didnt work there everywhere there small black flys and i put fruit in the soil for nuts {big mistake} how do i kill em any...
  3. marzbars00

    Bubble hash bags HELP

    nice one mate i didnt let em chill for 20 mins think thats where i went wrong :(
  4. marzbars00

    Bubble hash bags HELP

    so only use the four bags? will i put them together in a bucket or use them one by one and do u need a mixer or can u just use ur hand?
  5. marzbars00

    Bubble hash bags HELP

    i just got a set of 5 one gall bags witch includes a (25,73,120,160,220)micron bags, also a small square 25 micron piece of material does anyone know wat this is used for and i am dedicating a full plant do i need to dry the plant out or anything or can it be fresh any help woulkd b great :D
  6. marzbars00

    White fluffy mold like stuff on the top of my soil??? HELP

    no pics i lost my phone :(
  7. marzbars00

    White fluffy mold like stuff on the top of my soil??? HELP

    cool is a npk of 4-7-4 ok for flowering u think?
  8. marzbars00

    White fluffy mold like stuff on the top of my soil??? HELP

    I started using Westlands fish blood and bone, its npk is 4-7-4 that's the only new thing iv done to the plants since this started happening does anyone know why this happened or will it damage my plants? Any suggestions??
  9. marzbars00

    My plants are two weeks into flowering can i clone??

    My plants are two weeks into flowering can i clone off them and re veg maybe take from the bottom any1 any ideas?? no pics tho lost my phone :(
  10. marzbars00

    i want to know what you THINK!!!!!!

    Hey bamacheese i was woundering if you would answer a question for me?? the roots to them plants are showin im goin to bud them this week should i get bigger containers or are they ok even though the roots are comin out the bottom!! :(
  11. marzbars00

    BANANAS and fruit tea for flowering?? What do YOU use????

    iv heard that if u boil 4 banana skins to four cups of water you can make a mix thats high in potassium and great for flowering how true is this and what method would you use? iv also been told to cut up fruit apple, orange etc leave it in a zip lock for two weeks then use as a tea for your soil...
  12. marzbars00

    i want to know what you THINK!!!!!!

    what Watt on the HID's im not using HPS its under a CFL
  13. marzbars00

    Leaf tips yellow going grey???

    Put up some pics of the plants heres a link that might help you!!
  14. marzbars00

    Phosphorus deficiency?

    try flushing them out with water (warm) then slowly build ur nutes back up i.e start lower then the rec dose an work up let the plants show u wat they want and good luck :)
  15. marzbars00

    From Fower To Veg??

    so i wont slowly change from 24-0,22-2 etc? just keep it on 24-0 then switch to 12-12?
  16. marzbars00

    From Fower To Veg??

    Iv got three plants ready to flower they have been in veg for 4-6 weeks on 125W CFL (24-0) i was thinking just reduce 22-2, 20-4, every other day and so on until we reach 12-12 to flower under a 125W red cfl should i do this or has anybody got any suggestions? Thanks :D
  17. marzbars00

    i want to know what you THINK!!!!!!

    Thanks mate ill get some peat moss today and add it! Iv got one them ph test kits the p.h of the water is between 6.5/7 but when nuts added 5.5/6 ph i think i really need a proper ph meter the color ones arent accurate :( thanks for the advice mate really appreciate it :D
  18. marzbars00

    i want to know what you THINK!!!!!!

    Thanks guys first grow, I took that plant from my original grow setup due to lack of space threw this together for now, i will deffo look into flowering with a HID, i also taught i was given her too much water aswell, so thanks again guys here's pics of the other three what do yas think? will i...
  19. marzbars00

    my first plant.(what is it)

    id say by the skinny style leaves its Sativa mate they look great :D
  20. marzbars00

    i want to know what you THINK!!!!!!

    4-6 weeks old 125w cfl 24/0 fed twice a week water 2-3 times a week