Bubble hash bags HELP


i just got a set of 5 one gall bags witch includes a (25,73,120,160,220)micron bags, also a small square 25 micron piece of material does anyone know wat this is used for and i am dedicating a full plant do i need to dry the plant out or anything or can it be fresh any help woulkd b great :D

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
fresh, the trim is better cold as well. you don't need the 25. use the 220 first and that'll be waste, then the 160 to be another buffer and the 120 and 73 will be your hash


so only use the four bags? will i put them together in a bucket or use them one by one and do u need a mixer or can u just use ur hand?


Well-Known Member
The little square mesh is for pressing some water out of your bubble pudding. Place a folded towel on a table and place mesh square on top. Once your bubble is on the screen fold it with the towel and press some water out of it. Dont press too hard of course...once you open the pressed screen i like to break it apart into little bits...and then scoop those bits on another clean mesh screen ment for drying and dont forget to cover your bubble hash from any flying particles that may be floating around( i tend to be anal about this)

get 2 buckets
1 with bottom cut out so its hollow.

place your 220 micron bag over the regular uncut bucket and thats you work bucket. Use good water from one of those machines that sells water for like 25 cents a gallon. And alot of ice. I like to add a little water then some ice then frozen trim then more ice then fill with water. Stir this for like 2 minutes so its nice and stirred and let it chill for like 20 minutes. come back then stir for about 25minutes or so with a golf club (or another stir stick you wish to use). After your done stirring lift that bag of weed out of the water and press any water out of it back into the water. (You can do another 2 runs with this trim later. Wich pretty much rules.)

now with the hollow bucket set up your bags with 25 being the first and go up from there.

Now all you have to do is run the cold water in the buckets through your bags and scoop. Booya!!!

Im a little bored right now and have nothing better to do than teach someone my ways. Good luck dude


Well-Known Member
fresh, the trim is better cold as well. you don't need the 25. use the 220 first and that'll be waste, then the 160 to be another buffer and the 120 and 73 will be your hash
the 25 is essential. It catches the smallest crystal budder that passes thru the rest of the bags.


Well-Known Member
Just realized you had 1 gallon bubble bags hahaha im stoned...do it the same way i guess. The stuff i wrote was for like 5 or 20 gal.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the waiting is basically to let the water and ice get as cold as possible. I have 20 gal bags and i let the water get super cold so i wait even longer with occasional gentle stirs to keep things moving.


Well-Known Member
please read directions. Don't listen to people telling you to press the water out. Squeezing/Pressing the water out of your wet bubble hash will force water into the trich heads, and most likely will mold. Don't roll your bubble into balls either, same thing will happen. The extra square screens are for drying, just use the right ones so the bubble doesn't fall through. You must take all precautions to allow the bubble to dry completely. People always fuck that up, and create/smoke moldy hash without knowing it, because high times magazine shows giants bricks of hash surrounded by dozens of balls of hash. Don't be a statistic.

What bags you need will vary between strains. There's alot of variables, but generally when the bud was harvested in terms of trich development will dictate what bag works best. You won't know till you try. I typically use all the bags, as this will help seperate the different grades, and prevent shitty green leaf getting into your full melt. At least start with all the bags, till you figure out what your getting from them, then re-acess which bags your using.

Btw. don't mix inside your bags. that will just beat your bags up, puncture them, cause them to peel, and eventually wear holes. You can do all your mixing in a food grade plastic bucket, then pour into another food grade plastic bucket that has your bags in it. This also prevents pushing things through the bags when mixing. Sometimes I run stuff twice. The first time I give it a gentle mix, hand stirred with big stainless steel mixing spoon. The second go around, I mix with a similar spoon attached to my drill, I'll hit that pretty hard sometimes depending on what I got from the first round.

I say food grade plastic bucket, cause any stupid orange home depot bucket will introduce plastics into your bubble :( seriously, just don't use them!!!

Freezing your trim 24 hours prior helps, and If you really want some amazing bubble, look into water curing before you bubble. That way your pulling all the nasty stuff out of the leaf before you start extracting trichs. IMO, it's a bigger pain, but really makes for some great bubble.


Well-Known Member
Note on the 'food grade buckets'

food grade plastics are numbered either 1, 2, 4, or 5 the #2 is byfar the best , althow some of these plastics will be labeled non-food grade this just means that the plastic was processed in a facility without a USDA inspector . A usda inspector is needed on site to alow anything to be labbeled food grade


Well-Known Member
I would like to give some curing advice for bubble hash makers. First it is best to press the hash into flat "cakes" about 1/4 inch thick. You can do this with bubble hash by putting down several layers of absorbent material (I use paper towels) and then several coffee filters. On top of the filters place a ball of the wet hash and then place another group of filters and several more layers of absorbent material on top of the ball and press. I prefer to use a rolling pin and continue to press and change the absorbent material until it appears to be "dry". Unless your bubble hash is extraordinarily gooey IT WILL NOT STICK to the coffee filters. Then put the finished cakes along the edge of a shallow bowl (to minimize contact) and put into your freezer. After 12 hours or so take the bowl out of the freezer and put the cakes onto a plate and sit in a dry, well ventilated place. You will notice when you take them out of the freezer that there are ice crystals on the outside, this is a result of sublimation which wicks the moisture from the center of the cake while in the freezer. Repeat this process for 7-10 days until all of the moisture is removed, this will keep your hash from molding if done properly. Photos to follow :)


Well-Known Member
Note on the 'food grade buckets'

food grade plastics are numbered either 1, 2, 4, or 5 the #2 is byfar the best , althow some of these plastics will be labeled non-food grade this just means that the plastic was processed in a facility without a USDA inspector . A usda inspector is needed on site to alow anything to be labbeled food grade
Great info, thanks!


Well-Known Member
please read directions. Don't listen to people telling you to press the water out. Squeezing/Pressing the water out of your wet bubble hash will force water into the trich heads, and most likely will mold. Don't roll your bubble into balls either, same thing will happen. The extra square screens are for drying, just use the right ones so the bubble doesn't fall through. You must take all precautions to allow the bubble to dry completely. People always fuck that up, and create/smoke moldy hash without knowing it, because high times magazine shows giants bricks of hash surrounded by dozens of balls of hash. Don't be a statistic.

What bags you need will vary between strains. There's alot of variables, but generally when the bud was harvested in terms of trich development will dictate what bag works best. You won't know till you try. I typically use all the bags, as this will help seperate the different grades, and prevent shitty green leaf getting into your full melt. At least start with all the bags, till you figure out what your getting from them, then re-acess which bags your using.

Btw. don't mix inside your bags. that will just beat your bags up, puncture them, cause them to peel, and eventually wear holes. You can do all your mixing in a food grade plastic bucket, then pour into another food grade plastic bucket that has your bags in it. This also prevents pushing things through the bags when mixing. Sometimes I run stuff twice. The first time I give it a gentle mix, hand stirred with big stainless steel mixing spoon. The second go around, I mix with a similar spoon attached to my drill, I'll hit that pretty hard sometimes depending on what I got from the first round.

I say food grade plastic bucket, cause any stupid orange home depot bucket will introduce plastics into your bubble :( seriously, just don't use them!!!

Freezing your trim 24 hours prior helps, and If you really want some amazing bubble, look into water curing before you bubble. That way your pulling all the nasty stuff out of the leaf before you start extracting trichs. IMO, it's a bigger pain, but really makes for some great bubble.
oh uh dont listen to people and dont press bla bla shut the f*%k up!!. ive never had mold on my hash ever mr professional. its ok to mix in the bags too your getting too technical here relax your bags will be fine.