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  1. AeroponicGreen

    *** How to get the Best Yeild durring Flowering Cycle ***

    Hey Fellow Growers!! I'm a few weeks into flowering and I'm wondering what the best ways to get maximum yield are. This is my first grow and I'm hoping we can start this thread to share our tricks and secrets to massive flowers!!! I know there are a lot of "First timers" on here so lets...
  2. AeroponicGreen

    Sober since March 6,2013-Drug test today

    Your going to be cutting it real close... Go get a drink and slam it before the test youll piss clean. Those drinks are like 30$ Well worth it. Depending on what you need it for. But If you slam a ton of water before the test youll have a real good chance of diluting it enough and that might...
  3. AeroponicGreen

    How Crucial is it to change water every week...

    Im growing Jack Herrer right now. What do you think. Where do you find that kind of info out. When I got the seeds they said Flower for about9-12 weeks but nothing about Veg.
  4. AeroponicGreen

    How Crucial is it to change water every week...

    Thanks for all the feedback on these issues! I ended up just changing out my water haha I'll keep doing it every 7 days. The Plants are doing better than ever, So as long as I keep all my levels the same I think they will be just fine! They did however get a little bit of shock from the new...
  5. AeroponicGreen

    How Crucial is it to change water every week...

    Yeah I have been changing it out every week up until now Im going to let it go a few more days I think. They are on week 6 from seed I think or something like that and are 20'' tall now and I think they are going grow sky high pretty soon. I'm super stoked they are Jack Herrer :) How long do...
  6. AeroponicGreen

    How Crucial is it to change water every week...

    Ohhhh, look at that I am no longer a Stranger! Yay! :hug:
  7. AeroponicGreen

    How Crucial is it to change water every week...

    Cool! Thanks! My water temp is at 72 all the time. and I ad water as it evaporates to keep it at the same ppm and level in the Res. Is this ok to do as well... My roots are a little brown but they have been for a month now and nothing happens to the plants. They are the healthiest they have ever...
  8. AeroponicGreen

    How Crucial is it to change water every week...

    My Plants are loving their environment right now including their water and nutes mixture. They are growing fucking 5'' a day!!!! I dont want to change my water this week for this reason only. I have the perfect mixture :) If I don't change it what could happen..... What are my risks...
  9. AeroponicGreen

    Can I switch from 18/6 to 24/0?

    Nice! I am going to do this as well. 30% faster Veg, Im in!
  10. AeroponicGreen

    My ultimate grow room!!!(any tips or advice or compliments)

    WOW! Love it man! That room is super sick!!! You have inspired me to re-do my room! Thanks! How much do you anticipate yielding from this room per crop. I am trying to figure out how much (roughly) I will yield from my first 29 plant grow. Cheers Mate! Feel free to follow my grow as I will...
  11. AeroponicGreen

    Jock Horror: Grow Areo, Under 1000k HPS! Freash Water and Droppy Plants! HELP!

    Ok So I just changed my water in the rez and right away my plants started looking a little droopy like they were getting to much nutz! However they are definitely NOT because my PPMs are lower than they were prior to change. Was wondering if anyone has seen this happen before. I'm...
  12. AeroponicGreen

    flo n gro the void cheesequake cherry pie and fruity chronic juice

    Nice! Looking great! How much do you estimate that will Yield I know that's a hard question to answer due to variables, BUT Take a while stab and take an educated guess!
  13. AeroponicGreen

    25$ diy dwc chiller

    Nice Looking forward to how this works. I wish I wouldnt have bought my Chiller now. After doing searching there are lots of DIY solutions!
  14. AeroponicGreen

    Where Can I Get a Printable Grow Diary or Journal...

    This was a great find for me! I hope it help some of you other out a little bit! Cheers!
  15. AeroponicGreen

    Where Can I Get a Printable Grow Diary or Journal...

    Iv googled time and time again and cant find one at all . Im looking for a template that I can print and take notes everyday. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks! Cheers! Ok I found one. If you click this link it will prompt the download that you can print...
  16. AeroponicGreen

    Jock Horror ~ Jack Herrer: Grow Areo, Under 1000k HPS! Pointers Apreceated!!!!

    Alright folks! Here it is, My first grow under the new set up!I'm super stoked to see the results. It's always been a dream of mine to grow the best ganja in the area. And its an even cooler to think that you can smoke that good green that you've put so much time, blood, sweat and tears (on...
  17. AeroponicGreen

    NEED HELP! Plants are getting round brown spots on them!

    I like that Idea However. It just seemed like a lot of extra work and messing around.... I'm really trying to get this thing on auto pilot as much as possible :) So in theory you just don't want warm water for extended periods of time? But don't you want the water to gradually cool. Wouldnt...
  18. AeroponicGreen

    NEED HELP! Plants are getting round brown spots on them!

    I am also working on getting that cooled. I ordered a Cooling kit for my Rez :) Those bad boys are NOT cheap! 600$ Gotta have it though! I woke up this morning and checked them out. They look much better! Bouncing back to Green very nice! Thanks for all the help guys!
  19. AeroponicGreen

    NEED HELP! Plants are getting round brown spots on them!

    UPDATE: Alright so I went to the store today And Picked up some House and Garden Green Magic. Mixed is as suggested (i mixed a gallon worth) and turned my lights off for about an hour and sprayed the plants with a spray bottle. In addition to that I bought an Air Pump for my Areo System rez...
  20. AeroponicGreen

    NEED HELP! Plants are getting round brown spots on them!

    PH is like 5.6 - 5.8.... I wondered if the temp was too high. What does the water temp need to be at on average. other than the spots they are growing like crazy! Thanks so much for the reply!