Can I switch from 18/6 to 24/0?


Well-Known Member
Cannabis doesnt need a "rest" there just comes a point where it cant use anymore light. Again, this is fact. It is called "light saturation". It is bad for plants.
This brings about an important point: (hourly) cycles have little relevance without accounting for light intensity. This is one of the reasons why so many experiences differ; many good growers stake their reputations on alternate cycles. They're all correct with respect to their environments. The piece of the puzzle that's missing is the light intensity (Google DLI). FWIW, personally, in my main veg room I run 18/6 with several 600HPS'. In a smaller room with T5s, I run 24/0.



Active Member
This brings about an important point: (hourly) cycles have little relevance without accounting for light intensity. This is one of the reasons why so many experiences differ; many good growers stake their reputations on alternate cycles. They're all correct with respect to their environments. The piece of the puzzle that's missing is the light intensity (Google DLI). FWIW, personally, in my main veg room I run 18/8 with several 600HPS'. In a smaller room with T5s, I run 24/0.

Just curious on how you run 18/8?


Well-Known Member
Cannabis doesnt need a "rest" there just comes a point where it cant use anymore light. Again, this is fact. It is called "light saturation". It is bad for plants.

The only reference to "too much" light refered in the article above, states,

Having too much light for photosynthesis can occur in indoor gardens as well—more commonly with younger plants or with those that have been grown under lower light and then planted out under a greater light intensity. Very high light intensities will break down chlorophyll, imparting a white, bleached appearance to the leaves and resulting in a decreased ability to carry out photosynthesis.

We all know if you are bleaching your leaves, the plant is saturated with too much light.

If you read my post on page 2 it says within the pages of the book that "No problems are attributed to the plant at a 24/0 light schedule".

So, in theory, according to the link you inserted, if Im not bleaching my leaves at a 24/0 light period then my plants are still not being overly saturated with light.

Just a healthy debate, im not trying to take shots at anyone so dont take it the wrong way....It was a good read nonetheless!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't bank on 33% more growth. On the average I see a 20% increase in size when switching over to flower. As far as root growth my 5 plants run on 24/7 needed a transplant 2 weeks earlier then the 18/6. So once again constant light grows my kush faster. Look at the pic plants are 4 weeks old. I had just transplanted 24/7 plants into 7 gl pots. The 18/6 was in the 5 gl for almost 2 more weeks before needing transplanting. So much for the rest period making a bigger rootball.


Ive done 18/6 and 24/0 and i have not seen any differance, i now just do 18/6 but its up to you and how you want to grow your own , try everything and see what suits you best :0)