My ultimate grow room!!!(any tips or advice or compliments)

First off ill like to say that this is not my first grow i have grown a few times before but i feel like i'm rusty on the account i have not grown in years.
So i'm posting pictures of my grow room to show off and see if you guys have any tips towards making it better THANKS!

OK first here are some pics and info of my grow room so you guys can get a visual understanding of the environment i have to work with.

I'm growing 40 girl scout cookies clones i got from my buddy they are in 3 gallon pots they have been growing in there for 8 days and are growing fast =)
I have been slowly easing them into the bright light so they don't burn from the intensity.
My room size is 10'x11' and have 6x1000 watt lights with 400w/600w/1000w/turbo conversion ballasts hortolux hps bulbs in there that are on cranks for easy lifting =)
This is a sealed room and it has a 2 and a half ton Mitsubishi ductless ac unit and 2 100 pint dehumidifiers that drain outside

I'm sure you guys have more questions about the room so let the games begin!!



Active Member
It looks well thought out, well arranged, well above my pay grade and well beyond 'hobby enthusiast'.

I wish I had something else to toss at you, I live in a different world. ;)
WOW! Love it man! That room is super sick!!!
You have inspired me to re-do my room! Thanks!

How much do you anticipate yielding from this room per crop. I am trying to figure out how much (roughly) I will yield from my first 29 plant grow.

Cheers Mate!
Thanks and I really cant say how much ill get because i have never had this kind of setup and its my first time growing Girl Scout Cookies so if anyone has a rough idea on what they think ill yield let me know.


Well-Known Member
veryn impressive well thought out and put together

lots of luck wit it - im a small time tent grower i do like 4 to 6 at a time



Well-Known Member
very nice work brother, very nice craftsmanship, i love mini splits theyre very easy to install , you have everything you need to do a really nice grow... just wondering, not that it matters but, do your mini splits do dry cycles ? and how much water do you exert in say, a week, or a day, just kind of curious as to what your normal intake humidity is compared to how much dehumidifying you need.. pretty cooked just thinking about how one would go about figuring the calculations for dehumidifier speed
ps~ way to dial shit in!!! what do you plan on doing for the soil? supersoil? or just some soil that u add nutes too? and if so what are your line ups? love the racks for the smart pots... genious, do you have fans blowing through em?


Well-Known Member
Hey, Welcome to RIU.

Now that's a way to make an entrance.

Good luck keeping those girl scouts green and frosty.
Thanks Nizza and ya my mini split has dry cycles but i don't use it because it cant cool at the same time its kinda pointless because i need it to cool 24/7 because the dehumidifiers run all night on and off and to answer your question to the amount of dehumidifying someone will need to the amount of water you put in your room i was trying to find that out myself awhile back and everyone said that for my room one 100 pint should do the trick so i got two lol only time will tell me for sure. I'm using royal gold coco in all my pots and using cutting edge grow micro bloom right now.I am blowing air through them in pics #19-20 it comes from the ceiling through carbon filter and out the bottom rows under pots i did it that way so later when i'm pumping high levels of c02 which is heavier then oxygen the roots wont drown in the c02 that sinks down if any make it down there lol i think these plants will breath it in very fast.


Active Member
All i have to say is WOW! that is beatiful ;-) lol Everything is well organized and Setup GREAT! how much do you plan on yeilding? gonna be following this one forsure! best of LUCK:)
All i have to say is WOW! that is beatiful ;-) lol Everything is well organized and Setup GREAT! how much do you plan on yeilding? gonna be following this one forsure! best of LUCK:)
Thanks man and i am unsure on how much i'm going to yield but i hope a lot how much you think ill yield?
and ill be adding more pics and keeping you guys updated in a few days.
I will be posting updates every Friday new pics and info so please be sure to send me a friends request so you can keep track of this form.


Well-Known Member
What can anyone say but awesome job. You are one handy mf to put that all together, but next time cut the tie wrap ends off.


Active Member
Room looks great man. Hope to see some top shelf dank gettin' pulled outta your ultimate grow room. I'll be building my ultimate grow room one day; threads like this make it hard to wait!!

Happy growin :leaf: