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  1. E

    can you control the sex of your plants

    I always thought the seed determined the sex but I read that increased light and a temperature change could show more females and less males I kinda doubt it any thoughts?
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    This may sound dumb but i got like 4 different answers when i looked it up so i keep my plants in their small pots until about 3 weeks then i move them to 5 liter pots. at 3 weeks i was told to give them a root growth additive (im useing Vitamin B-1) and move them under better light like 4...
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    Vitamin B-1

    I went to longs and bough "Vitamin B-1" to use on my plants its a bubblegum strain and 2 weeks and 3 days old. The bottle says, "for root growth and reduces transplant shock" It contains Iron - 0.125% Manganese - 0.125% Zinc - 0.125% Vitamin B-1 - 0.01% The directions say for potted...
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    Would it be irresponsable to have 15 plants in a condo?

    no start small if u really need 15 plants and have the money do it somewhere else but ive seen people grow about 15 with a 400 hps so idk about that
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    yo momma so fat she uses the drive way as an ironing board
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    quick question

    when in weeks should i start turning my lights to 12 hours a day bubblegum and the lights are now on 24 hours a day but only for another week or week and a half
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    idt hes going to get a warrant to search your house so ur probably clear but it cant hurt to get some sort of odor neutralizer
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    has anyone from USA bought anything from this site?

    ok thanks for all the stuff i was just wondering about the pieces and bongs
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    has anyone from USA bought anything from this site?

    haha my bad Glass Bongs, Glass Pipes, Legal Highs Shop wow stoner moment
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    has anyone from USA bought anything from this site?

    yeah im looking at it and its really vague about whether or not it send to the us can anyone help?
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    anyone know a good site to buy pieces?

    im looking for a site to get a bubbler and suchhhhhh any suggestions?
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    Day 42 of flowering (pics)

    that is the most beautiful thing ive seen
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    gas prices please read!

    fuck bill o'reilly! but im down
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    somebody help me with this shit

    get an autoflowering plant u wont get as much but itll fast and dank
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    How tall does my room need to be

    how many plants?
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    Best way to smoke

    bubbler all the way
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    Hash Oil - How do you make it?

    put all the really small clippings from when u harvest and trim up the buds put them on wait theres a really good video on this YouTube - STONED GUIDE-guide to growing cannabis part 4