Would it be irresponsable to have 15 plants in a condo?


Well-Known Member
I live in a condo complex,like an appartement.
There are 3 floors and i'm on the top one.
I have a ;4 foot foot width-7 foot length-7 foot tall empty closet.
my only odor control will be this:
High Tech Garden Supply
The strains are:white widow,juicy fruit and Ak-47.
i want to plant 5 seeds of each strain giving it the perfect germinating conditions.
I have a 400w HPS.
gonna give it the 3 pack fox farms nutes and gonna put them in fox farms oceans forest and perlite for a medium.
My ventilation works and temps never reach above 80F.
once it sprouts i usually put them straight in a 3 gallon grow bags.
Never had any bug problems.

My biggest grow untill now has only been 3 plants without having problems with odors.
I joined the Marines and will be going to boot camp in January and i want to have a blast before i go.
I never have anybody over,with exceptions and live alone.
It will be for personal use only.No dealing or selling.
And i havent or will i ever tell anybody.
My dog doesnt even know.

Basically,would i be irresponsable or too risky to be growing 15 plants at the same time from start to finish with only 1 and maby 2 of the odor eater i showed in a link earlier?

Thnx again guys,
You have all been a great help with all my grows!!!
Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
how are you going to the marines dude? you cannot even spell irresponsible? and yeah 15 way too much i mean is it possible for you to even smoke that much ganja?


Well-Known Member
Alright, I may be way off base here, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Why go to the trouble of setting up a grow op and waiting months to start the party? Go get yourself a nice bag and get the party started now!!!

Be sure to give yourself a good month to clear out your system because they will definitely piss test you when you go to IN PROCESSING.

Alright, I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but why are you going into the marines. That is no good place for a stoner. I'm not against the military, shit, I was an Army officer for 8 years. I just know that with this fucked up war going on, they are gonna send you over to the desert to get blown up by an IED. I don't wish that shit on my own kids and I don't want it for you either.

Better yet... smoke a whole fucking OZ on the way to the processing center and you will be on the first bus home after they read the piss test results! The only problem is that you may go home with a really bad haircut! Ha Ha!

Best of luck to you.



Well-Known Member
Lots of plants makes for lots of stink, but usually not until you're already a little nervous cuz' your buds are doing so great . . . only then will you notice the smell's gaining on ya and some will amplify this in their minds. I know I have. Smells definitely my biggest concern today and I live in a private residence w/a yard and sh*t.
Day40 in flower.


Active Member
Lexterian, I would have to agree with most of the responses. Keep it to a minimum. That being said I'd like to reiterate on what rockfish said. I know you made a comittment to our country but when you realize what is really going on in the world and their obsession with eugenics, you are going to have a world of difference happen to you. I was on the teams in the navy for 6 years before really waking up. Please, for the sake of your family, friends and loved ones, stay home. It's none of our business going over there anyway. How would you feel if a country came here and pushed their opinions, structure, and 'so called democracy' on us. You'd fight back I'm sure.
If you want to open up pandora's box and see the real deal on what's happening today 'truthfully' and not what they feed you on the brainwashing t.v. type into google video 'Zeitgeist the movie" smoke a bowl and get ready to see how it's all been a plan since way before 9-11. Plus how can you go fight for our government when they won't even tell you the truth in regards to the biggest attack on our country since Pearl Harbor. Oh, yah, 9-11 was really done by terrorists. Come on.


Active Member
no start small if u really need 15 plants and have the money do it somewhere else but ive seen people grow about 15 with a 400 hps so idk about that


Well-Known Member
your gonna get the same amount of bud from 6 plants to 15 with a 400w its all about the lighting,
I would say do 6-8 \
That Ozone Generator looks alright.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for your responses!
I will go for 8 plants.
5 white widow and 3 juicy fruit.Jummy!
I already signed up for the Marines a month ago.
Ofcourse i will flush out my system before going inprocessing.
I love the fact that we can blame bad spelling on being stoned! :D
It was just a brain fart,dont get all spelling nazi on me please.
Joining the Marines isn't for serving the country but for finding answers and to find my path again.
It's something i want to do.
No,i dont buy all the shit america's been putting out for the last couple years.
Not trying to start a flame war on politics and the war in Iraq.

I bought 2 jr. ozone generators so that should keep the smell from leaving the appartement.
Thnx everyone!
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