gas prices please read!


Well-Known Member
The citizens of this great country still have the power, all we have to do is flex it. You saw what happened when they tried to ram amnesty for 20 million illegals down our throats(or where you not paying attention), We The People stopped them. When is the last time anyone of the Americans on this board called or emailed there government representative to let them know how you feel? I do all the time. Speak up we have a great voice all you have to do is speak, it only takes a few minutes of your precious time.

If you think it's bad know wait till November when democrats have a major a majority in the house, the senate & the presidency. When they start taxing the shit out of oil companies the price is really going to sky rocket. Customers are the ones that pay the taxes of big corporations not the companies themselves, when will those dumb asses in DC realize that.

If they started making every car with some wonderful replacement for oil tomorrow it would still take a least 20 years before most people would have one. If you don't think so, how old is your car ,your neighbors, the guy down the street, or the local high school kids? Electric cars & ethanol are not the way of the future so don't waste your money on that crap. Thanks to ethanol their are food shortages in some parts of the world. Did you know one tank of ethanol in an average size pickup uses as much corn as it takes to feed one child for a year? Not only that it actual takes more energy to produce one gallon ethanol than you get out of it.

Hydrogen will replace oil as the fuel of the future but it won't happen for a long time to come.

Sorry I got carried away.:weed:

LOL. the 'people' rule this country? Really? Its not h the big corp lobbyists that put the congressmen/senate/prez into power?

You *gotta* be an Obama guy! (Obama doesn't seem that bad to me)

Dang! Fooled me!

Though I do agree on the fuel items. Ethanol is a joke, burn your food for energy. There isn't enough land in the WORLD to grow enough corn for Ethanol. Heat and AC and the range drops 50% at least of an electric car.


Quick Q. Why isn't there a line item veto? Poor busch Sr. said "no new taxes" and got burned on it. Now why? because the democrats tossed on an addition to a bill that Bush Sr. wanted that added a tax. The tax that Busch Sr got burned for was a democratic tax. (typical tax and burn of the demos)

Yeah, legislate farm subsidies with a luxury taxed all on one bill. That makes sense. Apples and oranges don't mix elsewhere, but will in Washington.

(though they both/all suck)

The American Revolution Part II !!! Grab your musket and meet me in town Square!

Vote Anarchy! Atilla/Ghengis '08 !!!



Well-Known Member
Obama will destroy this country with socilized medicine, windfall profits taxes on big oil, & many other dumb ass ideas. Hell I don't think he even likes America.

Yes the people rule this country!!! If people would believe in their power we can change this corrupt government. Our founding fathers gave us the tools but most people today just want government to do it for them. Sex Ed, the FCC, government schools, etc... the list is a mile long man. Get involved & tell your reps. to stop buying votes with your money.

How many of you vote? You bitch about laws such as the laws against our beloved plant but how many of you have let your reps. know how you feel. I have on more than on occasion. Hell Norml even makes it easy for you, go here Contact Officials - NORML , look up your zip, and start emailing your reps. today.

If you really want change tell your reps. to support the Fair Tax.

Their is no line item veto because the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional.

You just let me know what time to meet you for the American Revolution Part II & I'll show up with my Glock .40, my .30-30 and a bag of other goodies ready to party.
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Well-Known Member
Ones' vote matters? LOL!!!!! Yeah. sure! That old gag!
Bush Vs Gore *proved* that majority does NOT rule in America.

America is NOT a democracy, but a constitutional republic. Yes there is a difference!

I tell my congress man X, but his pocket is filled with Y. He will follow Y. Plain and simple. Just look at whats going on. If you truly feel that voting matters and that there is justice, please, by all means, tell me which strain you are smoking, cause I want that one!!

Obama aint going to get socialized medicine to work. Hillary tried that then apologized for being wrong on it when her S.O. was in office. Of course She's on it again because it gets votes. The votes of the lemmings they are running towards the cliff.

On the oil profits. Gee there have been *many* regulated biz here. but lets take a peek at oil. Crude is going up (china/India sucking up a LOT of ot) So raw materials going up. People are driving less (just look at the AAA's report for mem Day tallies) Yet are making record profits. They are sucking wind from both ends and get the best profits??? no They aren't gouging.

But Gouging is part of capitalism (kinda a good thing overall)

BUT, BUT Energy costs are *directly* and inversely, related to the economy.

But hey, If Mc Cain gets in, on Nov 12th I'm putting in $50k into american oil companies!

As for the American Rev II, lol! better off with a 12 gauge. But that will be fought but the minorities. White america is too compliant to care enough do anything about it.

Obama will destroy this country with socilized medicine, windfall profits taxes on big oil, & many other dumb ass ideas. Hell I don't think he even likes America.

Yes the people rule this country!!! If people would believe in their power we can change this corrupt government. Our founding fathers gave us the tools but most people today just want government to do it for them. Sex Ed, the FCC, government schools, etc... the list is a mile long man. Get involved & tell your reps. to stop buying votes with your money.

How many of you vote? You bitch about laws such as the laws against our beloved plant but how many of you have let your reps. know how you feel. I have on more than on occasion. Hell Norml even makes it easy for you, go here Contact Officials - NORML , look up your zip, and start emailing your reps. today.

If you really want change tell your reps. to support the Fair Tax.

Their is no line item veto because the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional.

You just let me know what time to meet you for the American Revolution Part II & I'll show up with my Glock .40, my .30-30 and a bag of other goodies ready to party.


Well-Known Member
Yea a 12 gauge would be good for close up but I'll be over on the hill, the .40 cal just in-case the get in real close and if need be I've got a few years of various martial arts to fall back on.

If your reps. are padding their pockets do your part to vote them out. Even if you are just talking to friends & relatives it'll make a difference.

I agree with you on oil for the most part but you can't look at over all profits you have to look at profit margins. The big oil companies are making record profits but their profit margins are less than the national average.

Until we as a nation decide to tell the environmentalist to sit down & shut up nothing will be done to bring down the price of oil. There has not been an oil refinery built in this America in 30 years. We now import roughly 30% of or gas & we wonder why it's through the roof.

I think I'll be voting libertarian this time.

You are saying one vote doesn't mean anything but ask the republicans in Nov. when their base doesn't show up.


Active Member
its going to get worse. people are getting really desperate. cost of living goes up, jobs go down. WE do have the power. and discussions like this are important i think. we have the right to bare arms for a reason, to fight against a corrupt govenment. my weapons arent registered becuae one day when it gets a little worse, the man is going to come to our doors and ask for them. f-ing libs want to hand them over already, bush got the patriot act... shits getting bad, and when it gets real bad WE the people would have let it happen.


Well-Known Member
its going to get worse. people are getting really desperate. cost of living goes up, jobs go down. WE do have the power. and discussions like this are important i think. we have the right to bare arms for a reason, to fight against a corrupt govenment. my weapons arent registered becuae one day when it gets a little worse, the man is going to come to our doors and ask for them. f-ing libs want to hand them over already, bush got the patriot act... shits getting bad, and when it gets real bad WE the people would have let it happen.

dem pres/ dem congress. bye bye guns


Active Member
dont get me wrong im not a oreilly ball licker or anything. i do think people should watch fox news along with other news chanels to get a good variety of politcal viewpoits.