Search results

  1. Countyboy88

    New attitude promo?! CH9?

    Hey everyone. Looks like (if they dont reset the timer again...ugh) there will finally be a new promo at the tude! A couple (ch9 and paradise) have already been updated. Think itll be the march Birthday promo!? Or will we have to hold out another month? Id love to know if anyone has any...
  2. Countyboy88

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    Not sure if this has been mentioned or not yet. But, im wondering if anyone has tried using aquarium water treatment products to treat their water and if its a good idea or not? I just picked up some jungle brand "start right." And will report my findings in a couple weeks or so. Theres a ton...
  3. Countyboy88

    Attitude Credit Card Payments

    Much appreciated! I had been researching different banks for a couple days thinking i had to make a change. Wasnt happy about the idea...or the idea of mailing cash.
  4. Countyboy88

    DNA genetics GRAPE LA

    Ill be follwoing to see how people chime in. Used to have a KILLER cut of the grape ape. Ran it a few runs and it was far and away best, easiest grow ever. A real pleasure. Ive been looking for somethig to fill the void, and havent really checked grape La yet. I have had so e DNA gear...
  5. Countyboy88

    Sativa seeds Hawaii maui waui

    "No different than any other grow?" -Rory, what you explained sounds nothing like any other strain ive heard of disrespect. Kudos for you sticki g out the ultra long flower time. Half strength veg ferts straight through and almost 6 months flower? ...aint nobody got time fo dat haha...
  6. Countyboy88

    Sativa seeds Hawaii maui waui

    Some really great stuff here folks. Thanks a bunch! these were longer than planned because flowering the mother plant took so long! Haha. From clone, about 14 weeks. Throughout veg, i suspected that they would have too much time and stretch a lot, so there wasnt a rush to push them. No nutes...
  7. Countyboy88

    Sativa seeds Hawaii maui waui

    Anybody have any experience with this strain? I cant find much info out there. Medical in Maine here. My bud is in his second run with this. First from seed and now clones. When flowering, the original mother stretched like crazy as expected, then stunted about 4 weeks in. Everything started...
  8. Countyboy88

    Bokashi composters thread

    Cool idea about using crawfish! I have tons of craw, trout, salmon, bass, various whitefish (we call them chub) and others in my area. That sucks about your trap getting stolen! You can make diy craw traps out of a 3 (not 2) liter soda bottle, got a buddy who does it with good results. Im...
  9. Countyboy88

    Bokashi composters thread

    Yeah, no toes stepped on here! I love beig able to have convos about this stuff with like minded people. Im just glad we have a great venue like RIU! I dont really have many grower friends who are going anywhere near this route. Most are "big box store" growers so, we dont have too much to talk...
  10. Countyboy88

    Bokashi composters thread

    Yeah, i had never really thought of how similar they are. Good points. I think the most notable differences we are looking at are that a FPE has a liquid end result and is usually made from specific botanicals. Bokashi results in a compost form (possibly changing the way one would use it) and is...
  11. Countyboy88

    ewc tea and banana peel tea. Good idea?

    Awesome link pat! Ive been thinking about making a fish hydrolysate for a while. Other recipes ive looked up use sawdust, but his doesnt. I like the idea of the BIM too.
  12. Countyboy88

    Bokashi composters thread

    Ive thought about experimenti ng with FPEs but havent yet. Im not too good at identifying most of the right plants yet. One thing ive thought about though is making homemade meals. Anybody experiment with that before? ...dont wanna hijack my own thread haha. But i use aloe for foliars a lot, im...
  13. Countyboy88

    Bokashi composters thread

    Good point flyhigh! Haha. A couple good resources to give a basic understanding of bokashi would be and a simple youtube search for bokashi composting will yield several results, including building a diy setup. Basically, its a method of aerobic fermented composting...
  14. Countyboy88

    Bokashi composters thread

    Right on grease, they are pets! You should look into trying the bokashi. I feel like it helps break stuff down faster so the worms can make quicker work of stuff like fruit and veggie peels that normally take longer. Especially if you chop stuff up good before composting. Pat, after a bit more...
  15. Countyboy88

    Bokashi composters thread

    Yeah, ive been avoiding onion and garlic as well as citrus fruits and meats. Pat, What do you plan on doing wi your compost? We are a small household, so i dont accumulate a whole lot. My worm bin seems to be keeping up with it pretty decent so far. Also, do you have a drain on your bucket? I...
  16. Countyboy88

    Bokashi composters thread

    Hey folks, Havent been posting much lately, but that doesnt mean i havent been up to anything! So i've recently gotten into bokashi composting and it seems like there isnt much info about it in the MMJ gardening world. I made my EDM with a lacto culture i made with the rice wash and milk...
  17. Countyboy88

    Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

    I have a pretty small garden. Flower under 1 400w hps. Usually 6 plants, or a 1-3 plant scrog...keepin it legal in my state. I brew 1g of tea and cut it with 1g water before using. For my needs its enough. What i do, that has been working great for me is this: i have a tall skinny 1g plastic...
  18. Countyboy88

    The organic philosophy: How far do you take it?

    Alright, we had a couple good days and now this thread has been crickets for a while. So, still waiting on some convo about what are good trees for leaf mold. R other good, more sustainable subs for peat. Is coco necessarily me sustainable? I dont really know anything about it. I also have a...
  19. Countyboy88

    The organic philosophy: How far do you take it?

    Sorry, ive been away for a couple days. Thanks for the thread love folks! We have started some great convo here about sustainability and enviro impacts of our grows. Most people i know in my area dont consider this stuff. they just consider how great the return is and have no prob. throwing more...
  20. Countyboy88

    The organic philosophy: How far do you take it?

    Wow, i didnt know that about peat, thanks! Exactly the type of stuff i want to come from this thread. I had no idea it was such a delicate thing. I always heard there was just tons of it in Canada and it was no big deal. Im in a rural area and soon enough i should be able to just forage for...