DNA genetics GRAPE LA

image.jpgHi there peep's bin smokin the grape la for a bit now and have had 3 phenos over last 9 or so months , and I am am in love with this strain , i keep raving on about it but me n my friends carnt get Enuff the yields are not amazing ,, as of yet but are not bad. At all ,, it's just the smell and taste of this baby I' fell in love with l a conf when I smoked her a while ago, and have smoked a few la conf crosses and carnt say I've had a bad 1 really the training day from a freind was kind of frituy but Hermed at week 7 and had some from gray area in amsterdam n that wasn't anything special,, but the grape la is out of this world never saw or heard anything about there original grapefruit strain,, but criossing that with the la has created a plant that smells just as strong as any blueberry strain or blue cheese from barneys ,, and the tase n smell are so unique ,, just wondering if anyone has had the pleasure of smoking or growing this strain ,, and with how the grape la is in tempted to try the limited collection the island because if its anything lie the grape it's gunna b well worth gettig a pack has anyone ran that ??? ,, I grabbed two packs of grape la ,, and am well happy with it

Johnny Vapor

Well-Known Member
I trimmed some of this for a friend this past harvest. I liked the taste so much I actually talked him into selling me a couple of ozs, and that's something I NEVER do. You are right, the yield is not much, he got around 7-8 oz. from a shady outdoor grow, but the taste is unbelieveable. It immediately made it into my top 5 all time best tastes and that goes back to the Thai stick & Gold Columbian days.

I will say this though, the high could be a little better. Either that or my tolerance is way too high (probably). I end up mixing this with my indoor Northern Lights when I want a good indica buzz. I call it Northern LA Light Blue Grape.


Ill be follwoing to see how people chime in.

Used to have a KILLER cut of the grape ape. Ran it a few runs and it was far and away best, easiest grow ever. A real pleasure. Ive been looking for somethig to fill the void, and havent really checked grape La yet. I have had so e DNA gear, chocolope was a real pleasure. Would def be open to another DNa purchase.

Strains ive been looking at along these lines include: TH seeds heavy duty fruity, and next gen grapefruit diesel. Would be interested in heari g about these as well if anyone has experience.