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  1. sarah22

    i haven't done any growing in a long time :( i really miss it, but i cant where i live. and...

    i haven't done any growing in a long time :( i really miss it, but i cant where i live. and maybe i look a bit different cuz i lost a little weight lol. im still working on getting in shape, i hope i can lose more. but damn i love food... haha. and i miss the way this site was when i first...
  2. sarah22

    Do i need a break from weed?

    I just wanted to post an update to this thread i started, in case someone else is having a similar issue. i have been having a much better time with smoking lately. all i did was smoke through it all. i started with a puff or 2 at a time, and slowly have been able to get back to my regular...
  3. sarah22

    hey dude :) hows it been? i haven't seen you around here in a while. i dont log on as often as i...

    hey dude :) hows it been? i haven't seen you around here in a while. i dont log on as often as i used to either. thanks for stopping by my page!
  4. sarah22


    lol i hear ya :) i know that one day i'll be in a place in my life where i'll be able to have relationships, but now is not that time. and im not sure i'd want a guy that enjoys my particular brand of insanity hahaha he'd have to be pretty bonkers himself!
  5. sarah22


    not all women are bad... but a lot of us are damn loony lol. i have "issues" so i dont date. simple as that. no man needs to put up with my BS. if there ever comes a day when i can get my head straight and get my shit together, i'll make an attempt to find someone. but i think it would be hugely...
  6. sarah22

    Do i need a break from weed?

    thanks everyone for the replies. i think that the big problem is that i have a mix of my own anxieties and feeling sick off and on. im going to take it easy for a while, and not smoke so much. maybe just a couple tokes a day for a while and see how that goes. i may take a break if i really feel...
  7. sarah22

    Do i need a break from weed?

    thanks. i think that it might help to take a break and work on controlling my anxiety. i think once i can get it back under control i'll be able to get smoking again. and i LOVE your pic.. im totally going to use that in the future lol.. eat alphabet soup and shit a better argument than that...
  8. sarah22

    Do i need a break from weed?

    you know, i really wouldn't put it past my dealer to tell me its kush when its not. i mean, he's always been really good to me and knows i smoke medicinally, but you never know really. i find that the odor almost has a tea smell to it.. like tea leaves... i'll try and get a pic of it.. i'll also...
  9. sarah22

    Do i need a break from weed?

    i think you're right. its more likely me than the weed im smoking. and thank you for the suggestions, i've been planning to start taking a multivitamin, some vitamin D and fish oils when i have money. im hoping that will in general make me feel a bit better so i can handle my anxiety better.
  10. sarah22

    Do i need a break from weed?

    i dont have a particular link.. i had just googled "weed suddenly causing anxiety" and there were discussions on other forums where people talked about how it can happen with long term smoking. and i dont really smoke the same strain all the time. i've been smoking kush consistently for the...
  11. sarah22

    Do i need a break from weed?

    well, i only asked because i've been smoking without issue daily for a few years. then all of a sudden its a problem. i've read that this can happen with long term smokers, that they eventually have problems with it causing anxiety. some people suggest to take a break, some suggest to meditate...
  12. sarah22

    Do i need a break from weed?

    man, its been a while since i've posted in here.. but i need some advice. i've been a daily toker for a while now, about 2-3 years. i smoke it to help with my depression and stuff. but lately, i've been having a lot of panic and anxiety when i smoke. not every time, but a lot. i got sick with...
  13. sarah22

    27 To 42 Years Of Age: Do You Wish You Were Still A VIRGIN?

    im a 25 yo female and still a virgin :)
  14. sarah22

    The unofficial post what your thinking when tokeing

    i think about so many things...the time im toking is my meditation time. i have a really unconventional way of meditating lol but it works. one of the things i think about is how to explain the experiences i've had...i have a lot of "paranormal" and "supernatural" experiences. like one idea i...
  15. sarah22

    moldy oldy oil?

    i had an issue with mold the last time i grew. i fucked up my drying process and TONS of weed got molded. i wasnt about to get rid of it. when you have molded bud the best thing to do with it is make ISO hash. i used 99% isopropyl alcohol, the alcohol kills the mold. it turned out really well...
  16. sarah22

    How would you reply?

    just tell them that you refuse to discuss the matter further until they've fully educated themselves on the subject. you're not in the mood to argue the topic with those who are ignorant about it. if they want to discuss it, they'll have to do it in a mature manner with facts in front of them...
  17. sarah22

    Marijuana & Mental Health

    i have borderline personality. i use pot to relieve my depression, and without pot i feel suicidal. it saved my life. sure i feel paranoia, but thats normal, i just control it. people so easily just give in to the weed paranoia and some stop smoking because of it...its really not that hard to...
  18. sarah22


    fuck society. fuck conformity. fuck politics. fuck propaganda. fuck laws. fuck arrogance. fuck intolerance. fuck ignorance. fuck BP. fuck Google. fuck Apple. fuck government. fuck media. fuck lies. fuck hate. fuck the system. fuck the economy. fuck money. just...FUCK!!!! lol
  19. sarah22

    Rollitup Transforming into Google/Elementary School??

    i noticed the site died down quite a bit after they changed the whole layout of it. but theres just nothing new anymore..i hardly come on RIU anymore, simply because there just isnt much going on...and it sucks because when i first joined and stuff, this place was awesome. i talked to people in...
  20. sarah22


    since i started smoking daily i dont really get sick at all. if i do, i get better so much faster than before. same with cuts and stuff. they heal way quicker now than they used to. my health has improved drastically since i started developing a daily routine with pot.