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  1. P

    brown spots in leaf?

    confused of that last comment can anyone help please?
  2. P

    brown spots in leaf?

    its a soil grow, my set up is a 1.2m x 1.2m tent 600w light with a intake and a out take and its canna boost, im not sure what is in it, temps range from 18 when off, 25 when in ph at 6.8 we only using an exclatating fan once every 3 days as when its on the temp drops, and its 4 weeks into flowering
  3. P

    brown spots in leaf?

    Just started feeding it canna boost and the leafs are starting to get brown little spots and going yellow, any advice would be appriciated
  4. P

    blue mystic update 21 days flowering

    anyone got any tips at this stage? its my 1st grow
  5. P

    blue mystic update 21 days flowering

    cheers mate, a will do, theres a little yellow on tips of leaf, and some have little brown spots, weve raised the light to see if it was burning the leafs
  6. P

    blue mystic update 21 days flowering

    we veged these for 30 days, been in flowering 3 weeks now, been feeding canna a+b and now moving into the boost without the a+b in soil, not very clear pictures any advice i need to know at this stage? would be much appriciated we have bent the stalks over to get more light in
  7. P

    canna nutes?

    ive got 5 blue mystic in flowering, in soil bat mix and 18ltr pots. Been flowering for 1 week now, in veg 30 days, ive got the full range of nutes which are the following: canna a+b rhizotonicb oost pk cannazym just started feeding them just a+b a quater of what it says on the bottle...
  8. P

    Feedings canna nutes with soil, help?

    ive got 5 blue mystic in flowering, in soil bat mix and 18ltr pots. Been flowering for 1 week now, in veg 30 days, ive got the full range of nutes which are the following: canna a+b rhizotonic boost pk cannazym just started feeding them just a+b a quater of what it says on the bottle every 2-3...
  9. P

    Yellow and purple leafs in flowering

    Thanks alot mate, is there anything i can do to better this situation?
  10. P

    Yellow and purple leafs in flowering

    ive got the app on phone and it wont let me click on that link so what you saying that its been overfed flowering nutes?
  11. P

    Yellow and purple leafs in flowering

    thanks for your advice, ive added a few pictures, not sure if its clear enough?
  12. P

    Yellow and purple leafs in flowering

    can anyone help me out please?
  13. P

    Yellow and purple leafs in flowering

    can anyone tell me why the leafs are going purple and yellow? they were starting to go yellow, so they flushed it and now they all turning purple, can some one please tell me why? be much appriciated
  14. P

    blue mystic 30 day veg

    whats everyone elses views on my ph?
  15. P

    blue mystic 30 day veg

    i had it at 6 but i got advised on here to put it up to 7
  16. P

    blue mystic 30 day veg

    Weve just bent them over again so light can get in, looking nice and bushy, going on 12/12 tomoro
  17. P

    blue mystic 30 day veg

    picture of leaf going yellow
  18. P

    blue mystic 30 day veg

    the ph is around 7, only got a colour chart to go by, and its green, leaving the water in a container open in the grow room much appreciated for everyones help
  19. P

    blue mystic 30 day veg

    thanks, well do it tonight, the leafs have just started to get yellow tips on the new leafs, this means it needs feed? we useing bat mix soil
  20. P

    blue mystic 30 day veg

    This is my second grow, first one didnt work, been in veg for 30 days, we have limited space of 1.2x1.2, could someone when to put them in flower, would be much appriciated ive added a pic