Yellow and purple leafs in flowering


Well-Known Member
Looks like its about ready for harvest I mean correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's normal for the leafs to turn that color.


Well-Known Member
Get a close up of the buds and post then so we can see if its something else! If the buds are not ready to harvest, you could have root aphids!


Well-Known Member
It looks like the signs of being ready to be harvested. Hard to say though, I see alot of white, like white pistils, so you should post a good picture of some colas on the plant.


Active Member
That means
#1- you fed her correctly
#2-You flushed her well
#3- The temps are just right
She's doing what she'd do in nature if grown full-cycle outdoors! Check her trichomes now- it'll tell you when to chop her down!
Don't go by the color of the pistils! Some strains change color well before ready, others not until after they are dried!
Snip a sugar leaf from the bud and look at it under a good magnifier... the trichomes (crystals) should be headed-up and cloudy...with MAYBE a few starting to go amber when she is ready to chop. If more than a few are clear -- wait a few days and check again! ;) Lovely Plant! nice Job!

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
That means
#1- you fed her correctly WRONG
#2-You flushed her well WRONG
#3- The temps are just right
She's doing what she'd do in nature if grown full-cycle outdoors! Check her trichomes now- it'll tell you when to chop her down!WRONG
Don't go by the color of the pistils! Some strains change color well before ready, others not until after they are dried!
Snip a sugar leaf from the bud and look at it under a good magnifier... the trichomes (crystals) should be headed-up and cloudy...with MAYBE a few starting to go amber when she is ready to chop. If more than a few are clear -- wait a few days and check again! ;) Lovely Plant! nice Job!
Read your sig, then read the link I posted

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
ive got the app on phone and it wont let me click on that link so what you saying that its been overfed flowering nutes?
You learn quick. Yep that is it. it won't hurt anything, But it is an old myth to fry your plants with p and k. i don't even use bloom nutes anymore and get the best grows without all the issues. try it out next time on one plant and you'll see what I mean. Keep em green.


Well-Known Member
You learn quick. Yep that is it. it won't hurt anything, But it is an old myth to fry your plants with p and k. i don't even use bloom nutes anymore and get the best grows without all the issues. try it out next time on one plant and you'll see what I mean. Keep em green.
That has me curious, so you use grow nutes the whole grow? Lucas formula? Or no bloom at all?. Please post your formula, soil or hydro?


Active Member
You learn quick. Yep that is it. it won't hurt anything, But it is an old myth to fry your plants with p and k. i don't even use bloom nutes anymore and get the best grows without all the issues. try it out next time on one plant and you'll see what I mean. Keep em green.
Thats not at all what UB was saying. Use your bloom foods just as you would. What he was saying ( old news but most dont agree with it, its even in writing) is that you STILL need N in flower, not just P and K. All the Internet people he was talking about rant on and aon to CUT N in flower and ONLY use Bloom P. Some? A few? of us know that is worng and use N throught out the grow. The topic is should leave yeloow and fall off in flower.. The Internet People say YES.. the good growers say NO. Use mroe N in flower. But it was NEVER do NOT USE BLOOM food during flower, it was always DONT STOP N in flower.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
You want well balanced nutes. I use DynaGrow Foliage Pro and that's it. Works very well.
yep, I use jack's classic 20-20-20 start to finish.
the whole bloom foods is a scam.

  • hes trying to prove you dont need all those snake oils out there.. examples (snowstorm, gravity, bud blood, big bud, etc)
    and the high P-k values arent required for flowering like the labels on those bottles would have you believe.

    Bottom line: they want your money, they dont give two fucks about your plants.

    • My point of this whole thread is <cough> that I've been using a high N food from start to finish and am still getting a strong flowering response. Sure, it ties into the must-have bloom foods and additives starting week 2.57978 at 1/4 strength and then on week 3.6211 increase the dose to 1/2 strength until week 6.1234 using it at full strength. Success is then measured by the marijuana nerd who has plants with the least leaves and/or those remaining being a useless yellow.

      • I recently switched from House and Garden (nearly full lineup) over to Dyna Gro. Using Foliage Pro, Grow and Bloom in different combinations at different stages. I'm beginning to see that I did not really need the bottle of Bloom. Foliage for veg and Gro for flower has been working very well.

        • There's a reason for my madness. I have never found blossom foods to produce and maintain leaves until harvest. Their NPK ratios are all screwed up, especially the "new and improved high tech" cannabis specific rocket fuels.​
