brown spots in leaf?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
While waiting for more info and answers .....didnt splash any nutes on the leaves also is this hydro or soil grow
its a soil grow, my set up is a 1.2m x 1.2m tent 600w light with a intake and a out take and its canna boost, im not sure what is in it, temps range from 18 when off, 25 when in ph at 6.8 we only using an exclatating fan once every 3 days as when its on the temp drops, and its 4 weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member
There was no problem. You added something and then there was a problem. The solution is clearly to add more stuff. If that doesn't work I would flush, then add a more stuff.


Active Member
its a soil grow, my set up is a 1.2m x 1.2m tent 600w light with a intake and a out take and its canna boost, im not sure what is in it, temps range from 18 when off, 25 when in ph at 6.8 we only using an exclatating fan once every 3 days as when its on the temp drops, and its 4 weeks into flowering
Which soil? If it is pro-mix or a sphagnum peat moss, that is actually a soilless mix and needs a different PH range.

It does sound like a mag deficiency to me as well.


Well-Known Member
confused of that last comment can anyone help please?
Forget the first half of that post. Basically he's also saying it's likely a deficiency. Post some pics if you can, for more certainty.

I got some brown spots from spraying too shortly before the lights went on, but since your leafs are also yellowing it does sound like a classic deficiency.