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  1. apVolvo

    What Did You Smoke Tonight!?

    found a sack at my friend's last night with a bowl of shake left innit, smells pretty dank-we shall see!
  2. apVolvo

    What Did You Smoke Tonight!?

    just took a few bowls of that Sour Diesel, its'sif I put m'head inna blender Well blitzed I am! :joint::hump::mrgreen:
  3. apVolvo

    how did you chose your user ID?

    well first of all I drive a volvo, secondly my name is Aengus Petrol; thus you have, apVolvo.
  4. apVolvo


    Canada sounds to me like the place to' here in austin (texas) summerswelter
  5. apVolvo


    I once lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with 7 people in it where there was these dogs we always got high. One looked like a little baby Ewok, it was awesome...until he got a little 'too chill' a.k.a. retarded. He developed a habit of going out and sitting in the middle of a ruther busy city...
  6. apVolvo


    Probably both lol
  7. apVolvo

    People who smoke and listin to rap

    Now this is technically hip hop, but Stones Throw Records put out some GREATTT smoking music, constantly reppn the budddd yahear? people like J Dilla Madlib-Madvillain(with MF DOOM) Charizma Peanut Butter Wolf Oh No and then there are others like Cypress Hill A Tribe Called Quest Black Star(Mos...
  8. apVolvo

    My Smoking playlist

    Havent heard his version of it but I love the Toots and Maytals along witha :joint::joint::joint::joint:
  9. apVolvo

    My Smoking playlist

    heres my most recent one :) Israelites- Desmond Dekker Hipocrites- Bob Marley and the Wailers (check out this song!!) Methods- Charizma and Peanut Butter Wolf King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown- Augustus Pablo Nausea-Beck Definition-Black Star (Talib Kweli and Mos Def) What's the Altitude-Cut...
  10. apVolvo

    Why do noobs ask so many questions?

    All I need to know to start my grow is already on this site (and others). I think with some people it's more of a patience thing, it's excruciating for some poor fellows to read that long :confused: However, for every bad noob there are some good ones, like yours truly :mrgreen:
  11. apVolvo

    so i guess its time to quit opiates

    I've had some good friends with similar addictions, good luck mate, don't give in!
  12. apVolvo

    Can you love your plants too much?

    The more love you give it, the better the high
  13. apVolvo

    BBB - Bowls Before Bed

    :bigjoint:Ahhh BBBferMememe :exhaaale::sleep:
  14. apVolvo

    Woman in the woods

    I think blowjobgoodness and weight are two different things I know I hear the tree's giggle when I stub my toe!
  15. apVolvo

    I just sat on a potato chip and cut my ass.

    That little person seems just delighted by the fragrance of queef lol!
  16. apVolvo

    I just sat on a potato chip and cut my ass.

    oh geeze I couldn't even tell you! Today is a day when one thought shoots out of my head just as the other shoot thoughts out of my head, with a little tootling noise like a blimp just a low guttural pppppppppppplllllllllllllliiiiipppt ....yeah (hunkers down in front of bowl)
  17. apVolvo

    i managed to make it here to tell you

    pass some of it this waaaayyy :looks at clock: yeaaah, diffrnt time zones and that (lights one up). Yeah man I can dig: when life gives you clouds and no lightswitch, make bread :)
  18. apVolvo

    I just sat on a potato chip and cut my ass.

    When I eat something from a kettle I demand it have sharper edges! You wouldn't know the times those little greazy razor blades' come in handy fer yers truly!
  19. apVolvo

    So I wuzza wandr'n-s'along The Grid one afternoon...

    Why flowers are quite agreeable! Glorious indeed!
  20. apVolvo

    So I wuzza wandr'n-s'along The Grid one afternoon...

    ...and I stumbled upon this wonderful sight or is it site? ahhhh ok (speaking through a haze now, voice fading in and out through the musky dank) Well, ladies and gents I look forward to posting with you all on many a ston'd occasion.... yes so where was I ah yes ...I enjoy reading, oh just...