What Did You Smoke Tonight!?


guys check this out! i was at a dollor store and i saw these little jars full of sea salt and peppercorn and i was like wtf? so i went and looked at them and they had a cap that came with them and you turn the jar upside down and twist the cap and it grinds it up then you remove this thing off the top and its full of your ground pepper/salt! so guess what..for 50 cents i got the BEST grinder i have ever had!

Just got done with 2 bowls! bongsmilie

i just got finished using one of those on my salad.... never thought of that. it actually works??


Well-Known Member
Shwag doesn't count - gotta get you some POT OF GOLD and Bublelicious. I'm working on my 2 regular not fatty and am pretty well medicated. Watching last comic standing.


Well-Known Member
im taking rips from the bong of my havrest. i got two buds left and i havnt slacked yet. ill be out by tomarrow. then its back to comercial till next harvest


Shwag doesn't count - gotta get you some POT OF GOLD and Bublelicious. I'm working on my 2 regular not fatty and am pretty well medicated. Watching last comic standing.
of course shwag counts... you wouldnt want me to smoke my good bud that isnt finished curing yet would you??:mrgreen: believe me, wife and i would much rather be smokin some bubbleicious, watchin last comic standing with you, but for now, it is the brown frown and then bedtime.


Active Member
found a sack at my friend's last night with a bowl of shake left innit, smells pretty dank-we shall see!


Well-Known Member
more schwagg different a little better minty/dirt taste yum! lol fat joint loading the bong. then a Kool