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  1. J

    Grow room ideas

    Hi all, I have a new room to grow in its a caller/basement. It's quite a small area 120cm x 41cm it's a tad damp looking, dose anybody have any ideas (all welcome) on what I should cover the walls with cheap as pos, I can use the space more then using a "grow tent" thanks everyone
  2. J

    Amount of light

    Ive been trying different size pots, see what works the best 8 was over crowded, 6 is Prob best to do. I'm using a tent indoors at the moment 2.5mx1.2mx2m in size
  3. J

    Amount of light

    Cheers guys, had 8 under them last time I thought that was bit to many
  4. J

    Amount of light

    Hi guys how many plants wound you recommend under 2 600watt hps lights thanks
  5. J

    Plant problem

    All look fine now they look to be recovering thanks guys on the replys I forgot to to a pic I will get one soon if you want too see them
  6. J

    Plant problem

    I will take a pic today with out the lights on this was before watering them
  7. J

    Plant problem

    Hi guys it's been a while I have a problem with few of my plants the fuses blow an nothing was working I hadn't been to check the girls for 2days as I was away all seemed ok Tuesday all look amazing best ones to date gone today and 3 of them have gone very limp the leafs still all green there in...
  8. J

    Amount of lumens

    Hi all I wanted to know how much light is needed for a tent size 200x120x200cm also any very easy to understand Info on lumens as I don't really understand it fully thanks
  9. J

    message to first time growers

    Ok thanks I will do
  10. J

    message to first time growers

    Can anybody help me with my question which is I need help understanding the amount of lumens I need in my grow area I have 600w hps lights I was thinking to use 2 of these my space is 200x120x200 grow tent also dose it matter how many plants to lumens or just the space little confused I have...
  11. J

    Question on lights

    Hi all not sure if this is the correct place but im new on here and I'm looking for easy to understand info on amount of light for the grow space or amount of lights per plants I'm going to be using a tent size 200x120x200 looking to put in 18 lady's in 10/11litre pots any info is welcome and...
  12. J


    Somebody else was looking after them well I was away an I think it's stress my self I'm just not sure if I should carry on see how they go I've come this far after all
  13. J


    All on page one I have 4 plants in 75liter pots there are around 4 half foot tall and a few others but I'm having problems which is on page one
  14. J


    Is it worth carrying on or shall I cut my losses and put all my attention into the other grow that's looking amazing
  15. J


    Thanks for the advice is there anything I can do or shall I cut my losses now as there is 4 plants in the 75L pots an 3 in smaller pots as there were extras but all look the same costing a lot to keep it going
  16. J


    The pk is just to show size of buds as I said these are only 3 days on front of the other shall I carry on with water for a few more days before going back to what I was doing ?
  17. J


    Cheers I'm pritty sure they hav been in flower around 5 weeks now tho that's my worry I will post a pic of my over which are only 3 days in front
  18. J


    Hope this pic helps it's been at this stage for roughly 3weeks with out any change at all
  19. J


    My other grow is 3 days in front and is in a grow tent but this like my others has big buds on I will try post a pic of the grow I'm having problems with
  20. J


    Hi all I'm new here and in need of advice my girls haven't changed at all in last 3weeks I've lost count on how many days into flower they are at the stage I would call it like a crown got head with plenty of the white hairs on but no buds (sorry for not using the correct names as I said I'm...