Plant problem


Hi guys it's been a while I have a problem with few of my plants the fuses blow an nothing was working I hadn't been to check the girls for 2days as I was away all seemed ok Tuesday all look amazing best ones to date gone today and 3 of them have gone very limp the leafs still all green there in 20L buckets second week into bud useing 600watt hps lights can anybody help thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Did you water them? or take a pic while they were sleeping?

If none of the above, perhaps they are depressed because you left them alone for so long.


Well-Known Member
No offense but why is it when people post pics of their grow 80 to 90% of the time it's with the HPS light on, makes it hard to judge the plant, at least that's my gripe, when I look at a plant, I want to see green.


Well-Known Member
Water em feed am and spray em a little and give them some light and hope for the best. They will either recover or they wont, cause a couple days without light or air probably kicked their ass.


All look fine now they look to be recovering thanks guys on the replys I forgot to to a pic I will get one soon if you want too see them