

Hi all I'm new here and in need of advice my girls haven't changed at all in last 3weeks I've lost count on how many days into flower they are at the stage I would call it like a crown got head with plenty of the white hairs on but no buds (sorry for not using the correct names as I said I'm new ) but they have been at this stage for weeks on end there is plenty of lights (600w hps ) there grown in 75L pots in soil the plants are very strong and big the leafs are a dark green with a lot of THC on them my over grows were great no probs at all the temps seem ok they are 28 highest and lowest 14/15 today I flushed loads of water through them is there anything else I can do thanks to anybody who maybe able to help


My other grow is 3 days in front and is in a grow tent but this like my others has big buds on I will try post a pic of the grow I'm having problems with


Well-Known Member
OK.... P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E.... Patience..... you are doing fine.... you just need to keep on doing what you are doing....
FYI: After three weeks in the bud room, growth/stretch will stop, and they will look like they are stopped, however, each day the buds grow bigger...
Feed them... love them....
Good Luck man...


Cheers I'm pritty sure they hav been in flower around 5 weeks now tho that's my worry I will post a pic of my over which are only 3 days in front


image.jpg The pk is just to show size of buds as I said these are only 3 days on front of the other shall I carry on with water for a few more days before going back to what I was doing ?


Well-Known Member
I don't want to scare you with this, but check those things VERY closely for male parts (balls, nanners, stamens, sacs, whatever you want to call them). Plants that stall like that in flower and show odd leaf/bud growth patterns are sometimes trying to warn you they are "switching teams".

Good luck!


Thanks for the advice is there anything I can do or shall I cut my losses now as there is 4 plants in the 75L pots an 3 in smaller pots as there were extras but all look the same costing a lot to keep it going


Is it worth carrying on or shall I cut my losses and put all my attention into the other grow that's looking amazing


All on page one I have 4 plants in 75liter pots there are around 4 half foot tall and a few others but I'm having problems which is on page one


Somebody else was looking after them well I was away an I think it's stress my self I'm just not sure if I should carry on see how they go I've come this far after all