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  1. I

    Delete or edit photos ... Someone help me with editing my photos

    Need to clear some space and can't figure out how to delete old photos
  2. I

    Help with using overdrive in soil (detailed schedual info )

    Pretty sure that's around 2 tsp per gallon that your using ... I was gonna let it go an extra week or so and start on week 6 using it and end on week 7 than flush with just plain water till week 9 does this sound right 2 tsp per gallon of water for final two weeks of feed
  3. I

    Help with using overdrive in soil (detailed schedual info )

    Sorry for the elongated message copy and pasted from other forum and this happened
  4. I

    Help with using overdrive in soil (detailed schedual info )

    I am currently in the middle of week 5 I have been using to farms big bloom and tiger bloom along with big bud for the past wee and a half and flowers look great I would like to add in some overdrive from advanced nutrients as I have heard great things I am going to discontinue big bud this week...
  5. I

    OVERDRiVE should i use in soil detailed information

    I am currently in the middle of week 5 I have been using to farms big bloom and tiger bloom along with big bud for the past wee and a half and flowers look great I would like to add in some overdrive from advanced nutrients as I have heard great things I am going to discontinue big bud this week...
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    NeED QUICK ADVICE water schedual due to work

    Thanks guys for the quick advice
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    NeED QUICK ADVICE water schedual due to work

    I have a pretty powerfull inline fan pulling neg pressure 24/7 so I think I will be ok with humidity even watering than
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    NeED QUICK ADVICE water schedual due to work

    Not sure this is my first grow from what I read it's best to water when lights come on or a few hours after
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    NeED QUICK ADVICE water schedual due to work

    Just didnt know if watering 3 hours before lights went off would cause any problems like mold or anything if watering a few hours before lights go off isn't a problem that would be much easier
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    NeED QUICK ADVICE water schedual due to work

    So should I turn the lights out 45 minutes earlier if I turn the lights on 45 early or just let it shut off normal
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    NeED QUICK ADVICE water schedual due to work

    My plan was to pop lights on 45 minutes early just wanted to get opinions to see if it would screw things up
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    NeED QUICK ADVICE water schedual due to work

    Just worried about it causing hermie ... This late in the stage that would suck
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    NeED QUICK ADVICE water schedual due to work

    Plants are in there fifth week of flower and are drinking a lot more than before checked them today and they are almost ready to water barely damp two inches below my lights pop on at 7 only I have to be out the door by 630 would I be better off turning the lights on 45 minutes early once and...
  14. I

    looking for any advice pros welcomed picsssssss and nute schedualll

    feel like nobody on here answers questions like the site is full of a bunch of selfish people that only look for themselves oh well
  15. I

    looking for any advice pros welcomed picsssssss and nute schedualll

    i am curently growing 4 nl#5 they are half way through there 3 week and they look great here is my feeding schedual first week/ 1 and a half ts of tiger bloom /2 tsp big bloom first week/ just plain water that sat out for 24 hrs second week/ 1 and a half tsp tb/2 tsp big bloom second week...
  16. I

    thinking about adding siplement to feeding opinnions welcomed PICSSSSS 3 weeks in

    i am curently growing 4 nl#5 they are half way through there 3 week and they look great here is my feeding schedual first week/ 1 and a half ts of tiger bloom /2 tsp big bloom first week/ just plain water that sat out for 24 hrs second week/ 1 and a half tsp tb/2 tsp big bloom second week...
  17. I

    To tie down or not to tie down in flower

    Thank you nice to hear some reassurance
  18. I

    To tie down or not to tie down in flower

    here is a pick after i tied the tops down any advice or info apreciated thanks guys