Help with using overdrive in soil (detailed schedual info )

  • I am currently in the middle of week 5 I have been using to farms big bloom and tiger bloom along with big bud for the past wee and a half and flowers look great I would like to add in some overdrive from advanced nutrients as I have heard great things I am going to discontinue big bud this week and try and add overdrive along with big bloom and tiger bloom how should I use it do I use it for weeks 6 and 7 and flush on week 8 and also how much do I use in a gallon of water I am growing in ffof soil mixed with some perlite and happy frog​



Well-Known Member
hi mate, i use it (and stop big bud) at the start of week 5 and use it until last feed of week 6. i use at 2ml per litre. measurements differ uk/euro/us so dunno how much you need for a ???? gallon. i think this is a great product but i'm biased, i use it lol. good luck bro.
Pretty sure that's around 2 tsp per gallon that your using ... I was gonna let it go an extra week or so and start on week 6 using it and end on week 7 than flush with just plain water till week 9 does this sound right 2 tsp per gallon of water for final two weeks of feed