looking for any advice pros welcomed picsssssss and nute schedualll

i am curently growing 4 nl#5 they are half way through there 3 week and they look great here is my feeding schedual

first week/ 1 and a half ts of tiger bloom /2 tsp big bloom
first week/ just plain water that sat out for 24 hrs

second week/ 1 and a half tsp tb/2 tsp big bloom
second week /tap water and 1 tbs of blackstrap mollases per gallon

third week / 1 and a hald tsp tiger bloom/ 1 tsp grow big/2 tsp bb next will be just plain water and black strap mollases ........

i was thinking of adding some big bud to my regimen but i wasnt sure if i should just stick with my schedual and not try to mess with things waht do you guys think i am going to slowly up the dose of tiger bloom the ladies look great but is there any thing else i could do to accelerate or fatten up end
feel like nobody on here answers questions like the site is full of a bunch of selfish people that only look for themselves oh well