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  1. Cory1990

    Moving a plant... Indoor grow

    Update since I moved the plants. So far so good, after swapping the plants to the bigger grow box some have doubled in size, one is not doing well it was almost completely dead so I just figured what the hell cut everything off of it now it has two new leafs at the top. And the plants are...
  2. Cory1990

    Moving a plant... Indoor grow

    Lol I'm sure I'm an adult, I have two kids and am a busy guy and I don't want to put so much in to get little to no return. Now since I moved them last night to the new grow box all of them but one seem fine, the one is very droopy so hopefully it will come back but I'm not sure with how its...
  3. Cory1990

    Moving a plant... Indoor grow

    That was very helpful thank you! Now I just got done moving my plants and man it was pure mud! Since it was so muddy I think I may have ripped some of the roots and now I'm scared shitless that I wrecked the whole crop :( what should I do!! Are my plants going to be ok if some roots got...
  4. Cory1990

    Moving a plant... Indoor grow

    So I should move them or no? I only have 6 out of 7 and losing this whole crop is not ideal. Even if I get a male plant I plan on growing it out to collect more seeds. I have not smoked pot in years and I refuse to buy it and growing it is my safest option because I do not want to get mixed up...
  5. Cory1990

    Moving a plant... Indoor grow

    Right now they are in my small grow box with a fan on the lights to keep it cool they are watered correctly and have been on 12-12 for about a week now straight from 24-0 The soil I got was not cheap and cost around 10$ per 4oz its pure organic soil no additives at all and is all around...
  6. Cory1990

    Moving a plant... Indoor grow

    I have all my lights on a timer so I thought lights off would be best? The other plant was very young when I moved it so it could have been just over stressed. After moving a plant should I give it store brought nutrients?
  7. Cory1990

    Moving a plant... Indoor grow

    Alright so it was my first grow and I'm starting to see problems with my grow set up. All 7 plants are to close to each other like inchs apart... Now I would like to move them to a grow box that I've been building that is wide enough to hold 7 of my plants once full grown. So last time I moved a...
  8. Cory1990

    How to kill bugs the easy fast way!

    I always do the co2 method. 1 its easy to do, 2 its healthy for the plants 3 you can do it over and over as a cheap co2 system for your grow room or it would work better in grow boxes. Co2 is great for plants and once you start using co2 on any planted set up if its your Mary Jane or your...
  9. Cory1990

    How to kill bugs the easy fast way!

    Another person was wondering how to kill bugs so here it is! To get rid of all bugs do these steps! What you need, plant with bugs,trash bag, vinegar,hose,knife,milk jug or large juice container, baking soda. 1- put plant in trash bag 2- get old milk jug cut hole in cap 3-put hose...
  10. Cory1990

    Newbie from wisco

    I just checked the ph in the juged water and it was a solid 7.0 not sure why it would go down from the tank. I have used natural fish waste that has alot of nutrients by itself I have collected fish waste for years originally saved to start other tanks. my brother who's a member here and has...
  11. Cory1990

    Newbie from wisco

    Anyone!?!?!?? echo...echo...echo..echo...echo :hmm seems no one is here Cory. : Cory Its the Internet someone's always there. : you know what Cory your right. Act crazy they will come :P
  12. Cory1990

    wtf is this bug!!!

    To get rid of bugs do these steps! What you need, plant with bugs,trash bag, vinegar,hose,knife,milk jug or large juice container, baking soda. 1- put plant in trash bag 2- get old milk jug cut hole in cap 3-put hose in jug cap 4- fill jug 1/4thwith vinegar 5-put hose from cap into the...
  13. Cory1990

    Newbie from wisco

    Thanks I won't post pictures. but I have one question, my plants are still small I'd say about 5" to 6-7" in between leaves there's more leaves starting to come out now. But some of my bottom leaves keep dying. Any reason for that? I've read that I need lights on the bottom of the plants but...
  14. Cory1990

    Newbie from wisco

    I can try but my iPhone is pure crap I have 7 plants its not as great looking as it might sound. Just picture lots of high tech planted fish tank lights a couple co2 bottles and some dirt lol. It has been good so far but when I was on pure (high ph African cichlid tank water with about 8.6-8.8...
  15. Cory1990

    Newbie from wisco

    Hello friends, Yup I said that^ haha. Anyways I'm a first time grower reason why I've jumped on the crazy train is to stop using proscription medications (already stoped) now i would like to start smoking green organic stuff from the earth! So I need some hints tips tricks cheat codes XOXO...