Moving a plant... Indoor grow


Alright so it was my first grow and I'm starting to see problems with my grow set up. All 7 plants are to close to each other like inchs apart... Now I would like to move them to a grow box that I've been building that is wide enough to hold 7 of my plants once full grown. So last time I moved a plant I killed it :(. So how should I do it what should I do when I move it? Please give me step by step info on how to go about doing this.

Like is it better to move the plants lights on or out? Do I even need to move the plants? They are literally inchs apart one is almost on top of the other leaves and all touching. I also have all pure organic soil so should I add nutrients? Up until this point I've been pure organic growing my plants with fish waste and fish tank water. And I think due to my plants being on top of each other it's causing some not to get enough light and making brown spots on some leaves and bottom leaves dying from lack of light getting to the the bottom half of the plants.

Anyways as always any and all help is appreciated. Thanks guys/gals



Well-Known Member
how did it die?? plants need space especially when they really get booming move during lights on so theres no light interruptions during the dark period


I have all my lights on a timer so I thought lights off would be best?

The other plant was very young when I moved it so it could have been just over stressed.

After moving a plant should I give it store brought nutrients?


New Member
you need to put lights on 18/6 while vegging and 12/12 when youre ready to flower. if the enviornment of the soil and the air is correct, they will grow a lot. there needs to be a fan pointed at the lights to control heat, and the plants like the imitation wind anyway.

the spots on your plants are from nutrient deficiency. moving the plants, should be no big deal at all. if you mean transplating them, like out of the ground, yeah you can hurt them. the more you distrub the roots, the longer itll take to heal. if youre taking them out of the ground, cut around the plant, as big as you estimate the rootball to be. dont distrub the soil thats attached to the roots.

if you have organic soil, and it doesnt turn into mud, its great soil. there will be tons of soil life or biota in there, which eats the wood and other materials in the soil and turn it into food, the right way.

chemical nutrients will kill the biota off and cause you to need to use more and more chemicals to feed. this wil mutate the plant, kill fertility of soil, and cause death in runoff water.

many times espeically in pots, people water too much and the roots cant grow. roots grow by sucking up the oxygen in the soil and water. you want your soil to be moist, but never soaking wet. if you think you cant water right, dont water until soil is bone dry and plants are just drooping from the need of water. cannabis grows in a hot environment where there is mild rainfall.


New Member
you can fertilizer once in veg and once in flower. you can do it with chemicals or you can do it with stuff like compost, which not only has tons of living decomposers in it, but its also a direct source of food


Right now they are in my small grow box with a fan on the lights to keep it cool they are watered correctly and have been on 12-12 for about a week now straight from 24-0

The soil I got was not cheap and cost around 10$ per 4oz its pure organic soil no additives at all and is all around great for all purpose growing I've used it in both fish tanks and house plants.

Now this is my first grow so I made the mistake of planting them to close together with very little info on everything. After the first two weeks from seed I moved a plant and ended up killing it I guessed from stress but I'm not sure. The other plant I moved lost all of the bottom leaves but now the top is thriving again but looks like a long stick with leaves only at the top. My plants are now only 7" tall but very bushy I think that's due to being so close together that the bottom leaves are dying. I've grown tons of house plants using fish waste and old tank water for there nutrients since it holds so much plant food on its own. I also give the plants co2 everyday not alot but enough to feed them. I'm a compete noob to growing marijuana but not to plants. I have two multiple award winning planted fish tanks and a 7 time award winning African cichlid tank that's planted as well. I know every complicated detail to underwater plants but I don't know how to move plants like this. I know underwater plants when moved they need nutrients and die down then come back and thrive but I didn't know if these plants do the same or if they need the same type of help.


New Member
yeah the plant is getting readjusted to its new home. its ok if the plants are close together, its not ideal, but think about it. in nature when the plant drops its seeds, it doesnt bury the seeds, it just drops em, real close to each other and lets them grow on their own.


So I should move them or no? I only have 6 out of 7 and losing this whole crop is not ideal. Even if I get a male plant I plan on growing it out to collect more seeds. I have not smoked pot in years and I refuse to buy it and growing it is my safest option because I do not want to get mixed up again with the wrong people. I got these seeds from my brother and that's the only way I could get seeds even. And with two kids buying some off the streets that's good quality will quickly run up a pretty big bill and the cheap brick weed is not a option for me.

So moral of the story all 6 plants male or female will be grown out for the full term to collect seeds and hopefully some good quality smoke.

Now I also have another question, I do like the high and giggling like a kid when I smoke but the reason for this grow is not for the same reasons I smoked years ago. This time I'm smoking to help with pain from a motorcycle accident where I broke my hip and no longer want to take addictive pain meds, what's the best way to do this? By smoking or making edibles or by turning the whole crop into bubble hash? The whole crop is for MYSELF and will not be sold or shared with anyone what so ever so what's my best way to take care of severe hip pain without smelling like pot when I walk around because I do not want any sort of trouble. I also do not want a super high feeling because I am a tattoo artist and I don't want to be sued because I draw a dick on someone's arm instead of a pony haha


Well-Known Member
Ways to Consume Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is a very effective medicine used by patients across the globe to treat and alleviate symptoms of many serious conditions in which traditional interventions have failed. Studies have proven that cannabis has therapeutic properties not be replicated by any other currently prescribed medications, AND has far fewer and much less severe side effects.
One of the first questions we get asked is: What are the best and healthiest ways to consume medical marijuana?

We tell patients that first, they must have a recommendation letter from a qualifying doctor or a medical marijuana card. Once they have this, they can purchase different types of cannabis to be used as medicine from a local marijuana dispensary. For those who choose not to smoke marijuana, there are numerous alternative forms, such as marijuana based products and foods. Here we discuss all the various methods of consumption of medical marijuana available to patients in need.

Smoking Medical Marijuana
Smoking is the most expedient method of consumption, with almost immediate effect and dosage controlled by the patient. The downside to smoking marijuana, although not as harmful as cigarettes, is that it can damage the lungs and cause respiratory problems. Although results from clinical trials have been contradictory, many researchers believe herbal marijuana contains toxins and carcinogens that lead to increased risk of respiratory diseases and cancer and therefore recommend other methods of consumption of medical marijuana besides smoking.

If you do choose to smoke, here are some helpful tips to minimize the risk due to toxins and tars contained in the marijuana:
Use a more potent, higher THC cannabis so less inhalation is necessary to acquire an effective dose.
Using a pipe allows a more consistent and predictable dosage.
Use a filter and non-chemical rolling paper if smoking a marijuana cigarette (joint).
Exhale immediately after inhaling deeply to avoid the tars in the marijuana from coating your lungs. It is a myth that holding your breath will create a stronger dosage or enable more THC to be absorbed.

Medical Marijuana Vaporizers
Use of a marijuana vaporizer is the most recommended method as an alternative to smoking. A vaporizer is a device that gently heats up cannabis at a lower temperature, achieved with digital accuracy, releasing the active medicinal components of marijuana, such as THC, while producing fewer harmful byproducts.

How the Medical Marijuana Vaporizer Works:
A vaporizer heats the cannabis plant slowly causing the active ingredients to evaporate into a vapor without reaching the point of combustion, thereby releasing a much lower proportion of other harmful components that come from smoking. Inhalation of the vapor then offers the same therapeutic benefits of smoking but without exposure to harmful toxins.

Medical Marijuana Edibles
The effects of consumed cannabis is much different compared to smoking or vaporizing. Edibles are slower to kick in, slow to wear off and usually give more of a “body” versus “head” high, an effect described as ‘heavier’ or ‘deeper’ than if smoked or inhaled. This can be particularly beneficial for those with chronic severe body pain.

A word of caution to those choosing to medicate with edible marijuana – unlike with smoking and vaporizing, it is much easier to over-consume, and therefore over-medicate with ingestion. Because it can take longer to feel the effect and/or because the edibles taste good, patients are warned to start with a small amount, wait an hour or two before ingesting more, and be extra careful in consumption so as not to exceed recommended dosage.

That said, it’s also important to realize that eating raw cannabis does not deliver therapeutic benefits and is not recommended. Marijuana edibles are made, instead, with butters or oils derived from the cannabis plant, often called cannabutter or cannabis infused oil. Marijuana butters and oils are made by simmering the cannabis flowered tops and leaves in butter or vegetable oil for several hours. This process transfers the THC and other therapeutic cannabinoids into the butter or oil, which can then be used in cooking all sorts of food, such as brownies, cookies, candies, as well as liquids, such as soup and sauces.

Marijuana edibles are particularly helpful to relieve pain, spasticity and sleep disorders but is, for obvious reasons, not the best method if experiencing nausea or vomiting. Dispensaries can help you to experiment which type of edible and dose is best for your particular situation and to find the best tasting edibles.

Medical Marijuana Tinctures & Tonics
Cannabis can also be made into tinctures and tonics, which are then added to food and liquids, applied on the skin, or consumed directly in small amounts or by placing drops under the tongue. This is particularly useful when nausea and vomiting are present, such as when undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Tinctures and tonics are made much in the same way as edibles, but instead of cooking them in butter or oil, the cannabis flowered tops and leaves are soaked in alcohol. The solids are then finely strained, leaving behind a liquid that contains the THC and other cannabinoids that produce the needed medical relief. Typical dosage of marijuana tinctures is between 3 drops to no more than 2 full droppers. As with the edibles, it is best to start slow and use only a small portion until relief from symptoms is achieved.

Medical Marijuana Topicals
Another alternative route of administration for medical marijuana free from any psychoactive reactions is to use a topical made from cannabis and apply it directly onto the skin. Marijuana topicals, such as balms, salves, lotions, sprays and ointments made from cannabis oils, can be very effective analgesics and anti-inflammatories. Most dispensaries will have a variety of marijuana topicals to choose from, or you can make your own using cannabis oil and adding it to a substance of your choice.

Conditions in which marijuana topicals have helped provide relief are arthritis, chapped skin, eczema, minor burns, muscle soreness, sunburns, swellings, joint pain, and tendonitis- to name a few. Many dispensaries also carry sprays that can be used topically to ease muscle aches that accompany many conditions and more importantly the painful symptoms of shingles. It is especially useful for the unfortunate few who develop post-herpetic neuralgia (phn), a nerve inflammation condition that results from shingles disease. Topicals have been proven to not only have anti-inflammatory properties but also to act as an antibacterial, quickening healing times for injuries.

Medical Marijuana Tea & Sodas
Cannabis leaves, stems, and buds can also be used in making a medicinal tea. The process is fairly simple. As with other herb teas, boil the water, pour this over the leaves and stems in a small pot or cup, and let steep for at least half an hour. Similar to marijuana edibles and tinctures, adding alcohol, oil or butter is necessary to help dissolve the THC, which is only slightly soluble in boiling water. Recipes often use milk, spices, and sometimes hard liquor to make a spiced chai-type tea.

Marijuana tea can vary in strength, depending on the types and amounts of ingredients used. Teas have been described by patients to vary from being much like drinking chamomile tea to delivering a high that lasted for hours. General advice is to start with an amount equivalent to a marijuana cigarette for each cup, however experimenting with different recipes and amounts will help determine the amount needed to deliver the therapeutic effect desired.

For those that prefer consuming marijuana in liquid form, there are several marijuana sodas available at some dispensaries as well. Sodas are made by adding a marijuana tincture (see tinctures above.) The latest sodas to hit the market were released late last year by Clay Butler. The 12 ounce cans containing between 35-65 milligrams of THC come in five flavors: Canna Cola, lemon-lime Sour Diesel, Doc Weed (much like Dr. Pepper,) Grape Ape and Orange Kush. Other sodas are available as well so if this seems like an option for you, check with your local dispensary.

Hash & Wax Bars
Hash is made by collecting the resin from the flowers of a female cannabis plant, also called trichomes. The primary active substance of this part of the cannabis plant is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) along with other cannabinoids as well.

The resin collected from the marijuana flowers can then be compressed into small blocks (sometimes referred to as Ear Wax), which can then be eaten, smoked, or added to tea, edibles and other medical marijuana products. Hash differs than dried marijuana buds, stems and leaves in that it has a much higher concentration of THC. Due to the high potency, patients will often combine a small amount of hash with a less potent form of cannabis to create a very strong and immediate effect, offering pain relief in minutes.

hope this article helps bongsmilie


That was very helpful thank you!

Now I just got done moving my plants and man it was pure mud! Since it was so muddy I think I may have ripped some of the roots and now I'm scared shitless that I wrecked the whole crop :( what should I do!! Are my plants going to be ok if some roots got ripped? Am I in the clear or do I give up now and just mark failure on growing? I sware if I screw this up I'm just going to stop tying to grow, I've put so much energy and time getting this far! And to screw everything up now will be so devastating :( let me know what I should or shouldn't do about the roots most seem fine but a couple may have torn a bit and also what the heck do I do about the mud? Could over watering be a reason why the plant leaves were dying??


Well-Known Member
That was very helpful thank you!

Now I just got done moving my plants and man it was pure mud! Since it was so muddy I think I may have ripped some of the roots and now I'm scared shitless that I wrecked the whole crop :( what should I do!! Are my plants going to be ok if some roots got ripped? Am I in the clear or do I give up now and just mark failure on growing? I sware if I screw this up I'm just going to stop tying to grow, I've put so much energy and time getting this far! And to screw everything up now will be so devastating :( let me know what I should or shouldn't do about the roots most seem fine but a couple may have torn a bit and also what the heck do I do about the mud? Could over watering be a reason why the plant leaves were dying??
as long as you havent took to many off they should be fine, just keep an eye on them because they will be stressed. a picture says 1000 words, overwatering? :)


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that you are an adult? No offense.

This website is absolutely full of great info. While waiting for answers to your questions maybe read other posts and.stickys. Who knows you or two


Lol I'm sure I'm an adult, I have two kids and am a busy guy and I don't want to put so much in to get little to no return.

Now since I moved them last night to the new grow box all of them but one seem fine, the one is very droopy so hopefully it will come back but I'm not sure with how its looking.
And another member advised me not to post photos since I am in Wisconsin and use my phone to post on here.


New Member
well homegrown crops are going to be a lot stronger than street bought weed, if grown correctly. if you make edibles, the high will not be as instense and will last much longer. you can make hash out of all the females cuttings that arent buds (leaves, and maybe stems, im not sure, i never made hash). i do know that its not that hard, you just need the right size filter.


Update since I moved the plants.

So far so good, after swapping the plants to the bigger grow box some have doubled in size, one is not doing well it was almost completely dead so I just figured what the hell cut everything off of it now it has two new leafs at the top. And the plants are getting pretty bushy with the lights on 12-12 most are growing wide but I have one that just seems to keep finding its way up instead of wide.