Newbie from wisco


Hello friends,

Yup I said that^ haha. Anyways I'm a first time grower reason why I've jumped on the crazy train is to stop using proscription medications (already stoped) now i would like to start smoking green organic stuff from the earth! So I need some hints tips tricks cheat codes XOXO up down left right. I'm just kidding :p my brother Justin recommended me to come here prolly cus he's sick of me asking him questions who knows.

Heres my medical problems that some organic meds can cure
1. Hip pain from motorcycle accident stoped using perks Mary Jane helps the sore bones
2. Depression I know I know what's there to be sad about? Well my friends when life throws you lemons you don't make lemonade you throw that **** right back! Lol I'm just kidding it puts a smile on my face my life problems can't be shared.

now my set up super secret grow Set up.
Well I'm a very very big fish keeper having up to 15 tanks at once before

so I have plants in a 10g ttank
co2 24/7 light dose last used on a planted fish tank.
coralife 96w 50/50 saltwater fish tank light very bright light puts off full spectrum and moon light costs around 80$ per bulb it has 4 grows my stuff ffine also have 2 2700k 825 lumens bulbs (2700k is warm light) then I have 2 t8 18" lights and 1t5 18" and lastly a 120v 60hzac fluorescent light(cool blue) so I should have decent lighting
I've had it on 24/7 for a while and recently swapped to 12-12

as for watering I give them fish waste/tank water. Yup big fish hobbiest I always save filter media to start up other tanks so now I use it to water my plants. Hugediffrance going from just tank water to fish waste/tank water I'm getting major growth about 1-2" a night.

nd sorry for spelling I'm on a iPhone that's freezing up :/

any tips for a newbie (to Mary Jane) not plants is hhelpful thanks guys /gals


I can try but my iPhone is pure crap I have 7 plants its not as great looking as it might sound. Just picture lots of high tech planted fish tank lights a couple co2 bottles and some dirt lol. It has been good so far but when I was on pure (high ph African cichlid tank water with about 8.6-8.8 ph value) I got brown spots I swapped to the fish waste with high ph tank water everything got better within a day and man I was happy because just the other day I was going to trash my grow but seeing the good growth and spots going away within a day I'm happy again.

jeeze I thought my brother would be on here to welcome me by now his ass has been telling me to sign up here before I even decided to start growing.


Well-Known Member
welcome, we're here to help :eyesmoke:
p.s. i wouldn't post pics from an iphone unless you're legal but that's just me


Thanks I won't post pictures.

but I have one question, my plants are still small I'd say about 5" to 6-7" in between leaves there's more leaves starting to come out now. But some of my bottom leaves keep dying. Any reason for that? I've read that I need lights on the bottom of the plants but since its growing in a tank I cant put a light down there without it burning the plants (because it would be to close) so I have alot of lights already on the plants for 12 hours a day should I put the lights on for longer? Or should I add even more lights?




:hmm seems no one is here Cory.
: Cory Its the Internet someone's always there.
: you know what Cory your right. Act crazy they will come :P


Well-Known Member
your ph is way too high, should be around 6.5-6.8,i had the same issue and i use spring fed well water. get some ph down or a diy product (not sure what to use but you can google it, my nephew gave me some of his pH Down)
what kind of nutrient are you giving them?


I just checked the ph in the juged water and it was a solid 7.0 not sure why it would go down from the tank.

I have used natural fish waste that has alot of nutrients by itself I have collected fish waste for years originally saved to start other tanks.

my brother who's a member here and has been growing for years also gave me "magical" calcium magnesium and iron

also dyna-gro "grow" that's 7-9-5 complete nutrition.

That's all I've gave the plants. I use more of the fish waste though.

also mysonnyboy, what did you use to check your ph? The strips can be very off. The best thing to use is liquid drop tests that's what I used tonight to check my ph levels.