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  1. R

    jock horror how they doing guys?? pics***

    thanks guys, im def watching the nutes with that MG mositure control, stopped grow big and ill slowly use the big bloom. anyone know if the other fox farm nutes are worth getting like the tiger bloom, cha ching, and open seaseme? anyone smoked jock horror? whats it like? : D
  2. R

    White Widow & Northen lights grow w/ pics.

    ya good luck! i have some jock horror's going right now but just started a few white widows and a few white rhinos. im really curious to see how the white widow does :D
  3. R

    jock horror how they doing guys?? pics***

    ya i think im gonna swtich them over tomorrow and get another set up going so that way the others can stay under 18/6 i have a bunch of cfls from my first grow so those should be sufficient until these harvest? ya ive been taking it pretty easy on the nutes because i think thats where i went...
  4. R

    jock horror how they doing guys?? pics***

    hey guys so this is my second grow, i have 4 jock horrors going right now and they are going into their 6th week of veg. they are under 400w hps, under 18/6 lighting, used miracle grow moisture control (i know everyone talks shit about it but it works for me for now) im using fox farm nutes big...
  5. R

    ready to harvest? help guys?

    it was bagseed so im not sure but it was my first grow so im just happy that its actually gonna be smokable!! ya i pulled it and its hanging to dry right now!! thanks for your help guys!! i have 4 jock horrors going and 4 white widow.. so ill keep you all updated!!
  6. R

    ready to harvest? help guys?

    ttt!! some help guys please!!!
  7. R

    ready to harvest? help guys?

    hey guys... HERE ARE SOME PICS!! these babys have been in flowering for 60 days now. i think that they are ready to cut? right? they're majority amber, however there are still new white hairs developing. ive cut back most big leaves and have seen a huge difference in development, now everything...
  8. R

    help guys.. please.. problem after switching to hps.

    thanks for the help guys. i have flushed the plants, just been giving them water to let them bounce back first. the new soil should be draining out better if anything because we mixed peralite in this time. will stop giving grow big, i plan on getting some tiger bloom very soon, infact right now...
  9. R

    help guys.. please.. problem after switching to hps.

    come on guys.. anyone? i need some advice here :D
  10. R

    help guys.. please.. problem after switching to hps.

    hey guys.. so im exactly a week into flowering.. i started flowering when i got my hps last tuesday. i also did a transplant the same day of switching to the hps. its a 400w. im giving fox farm nutes grow big and big bloom. i had originally started the plants in mg moisture control but when i...
  11. R

    starting to flower.. just got our hps.. check it out! advice/opinons welcome : D

    anyone else have any comments/suggestions/advice???
  12. R

    Drug test need help!

    FYI... i passed my drug test!! i used the synthetic urine its called NUMBER 1.
  13. R

    starting to flower.. just got our hps.. check it out! advice/opinons welcome : D

    the temp right now is about 80.7*f right now before with the cfls it averaged around 76*F so not too much of a change we will see how it gets on hotter days.. but i'll let you know!
  14. R

    starting to flower.. just got our hps.. check it out! advice/opinons welcome : D

    ok guys.. so here it goes. we started out with 6 bagseeds & ended up with only 3 that turned out to be good. we were growing them outside for the first month, then we started to do more research on them (mainly from here) and decided that it would be best to bring them inside and stick them...
  15. R

    has anyone??

    :mrgreen: go with fox farm!!
  16. R

    Lighting question

    i agree, the mixed spectrum is better, but at the same time when you add the total cost of all those cfls you would be better off just getting an hps that will be wayy better and also give you a higher yeild! i just got one off ebay that is hps & mh for only $129, but it doesnt come with the...
  17. R

    drug test

    i just had to take one friday. it all depends on how much you smoke. if you are like me and smoke every day then four days might be enough to get it out of your system but i wouldnt say for sure. the best simplist easiest way to do it is just go down to your local head shop and get some...
  18. R

    Drug test need help!

    so i took the test today.. went great.. as far as i know. again i used the number 1 synthetic urine. ill let you guys know for sure when i hear the results but if this pee is good then im good. very easy : D
  19. R

    Drug test need help!

    so i went down to my local head shop and bought some "number 1" by puck technology.. the guys swore upon it and it seems as though so does everyone on here. i am going to take the test tomorrow and ill let you guys know how it goes.. its actually pretty cool they have a belt that you strap...
  20. R

    Seed order

    i agree with superhighme, i have ordered from nirvana and gave them my personal cc, came in about 12 days or so, very discreet, my seeds came in a ipod sock and they advertised a different company. it does make a difference however if you are going to order hundreds of seeds, that may cause some...