starting to flower.. just got our hps.. check it out! advice/opinons welcome : D


Active Member
ok guys.. so here it goes. we started out with 6 bagseeds & ended up with only 3 that turned out to be good. we were growing them outside for the first month, then we started to do more research on them (mainly from here) and decided that it would be best to bring them inside and stick them under cfls, we got 4X26w cfl.. 6500K then like noobs realized that we needed more light.. well we just got our 400hps today. all set up and ready to throw into flowering. our tallest plant is 17inches, our smallest is 11inches. We are growing in organic soil mixed with peralite, using fox farm nutes grow big and big bloom, we water every 3-4 days, when top layer of soil is dry. we have the walls painted flat white. we have one tall oscillating fan, a pc fan, and a stationary fan. the avg temp is around 80*F. we have already found out that all 3 of our plants are female (i know early to tell but probably due to extended veg period). any ways we wanted to get the plants to the right height and under the right light before we attempted to begin flowering. i think thats all i have for right now.. again any advice/ opinons are much appreciated! again this is our first grow!! :joint::joint::joint:



Active Member
the temp right now is about 80.7*f right now before with the cfls it averaged around 76*F so not too much of a change we will see how it gets on hotter days.. but i'll let you know!


Well-Known Member
have some spare fans around for hot days. if you live in an area where you can get random hot days adding the extra fans in will at least bring it down a bit more. you can pick up those clip desk fans for about $5-8 bucks and they work great. I put them around in the room where my grow closet is and throw em on high. keeps the heat down quite a bit!!