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  1. S

    16 days...what the hell

    I know for sure that the saturation of water was my innitial stunting of growth issue. I repotted 2 days ago with better draining soil and here is where I am now. Here is a pic from today, as you can see the leaves are very small and turning yellow, not real sure if simple shock would do this...
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    16 days...what the hell

    Thanks for the few suggestions that were given. I have lifted it up off the towell today. Today it actually has some dry and yellow leaves i will post a pic later. p.s. pls start your own thread to agrue in. thx
  3. S

    16 days...what the hell

    I just took a quick peek and he/she looks like its recovering very well from the change of soil. I wateredthis am and the soil is actually warm to the touch??? I am using 5 23w cfl's so this was a surprise. Any thoughts? thx
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    16 days...what the hell

    24 hours after transplant into a better draining soil. Now 16 days old. Thoughts???
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    16 days...what the hell

    thanks buddha, I was having an after thought along the lines of I didnt add enough drainage material. I'm a bit scared to mess with it again so soon after the "freak out" I just gave it this morning. As for the is 16 days old from germ. I am sure my saturated, over watered, under...
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    16 days...what the hell

    I have a computer fan that is blowing on it as well. I forgot to mention, this may sound weird but if you bring the plant up to your face and rub it on your lips it appears to be very dry and brittle to the touch. It smells like...I would say lettuce??? thx all
  7. S

    16 days...what the hell

    This little baby is the only seed out of 11 that even germinated. They are bagseed and I have had It under 5 23w cfl's for the past 16 days. I am fully under the impression that it was over watered and in soil that was too obsorbant and didnt allow proper drainage. I mixed up some new scotts...
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    Great job. I have 1 simple question for ya. I have read your entire journal and am very impressed with what you have done with so little. After it all what would you reccomend for a fertalizer? Thanks
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    Using Comp. Fan to Uxhaust Thru a carbon scrubber

    Ryoko Builds a DIY Activated Carbon Filter - 30 Minutes, $30 Dollars - The Garden's Cure I will be kicking this up a notch by adding some active carbon and some fresh step in the chamber between the center and the screen that the filter cloth goes around.
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    Using Comp. Fan to Uxhaust Thru a carbon scrubber

    I am looking to grow a total of two plants in a space roughly 2' w x 3' h x 1' deep. I will be using a passive intake with a light trap and a computer fan for the exhaust. I am not limited by space but I think in some way in my head the smaller the box the smaller the crime. Call me crazy but...
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    Newbe Lighting Question

    I now have 7 sproust if you will and want to know if this will get me through the germination period. A month or so. Thanks to all for all your help. You rock
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    edge burning normal or??

    My thoughts exactly. Hit the grow store for a large order with moms credit card next. lol
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    Not really this rookie...well, maybe

    Total rookie but I germinated 4 seeds because well, I think I simply wanted to see them pop. 4 did and i put them in some soil but have no light or place to put them at the moment and wont for atleast 2-3 days. I will have nice place for them to live at that point but for now nothing. The...
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    T5 Flourescent

    Thanks for the link, me
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    T5 Flourescent

    Thanks for the reply, What do you reccomend for a dirt cheap light option? I have read posts for days and have seen conflicting opinions on the run of the mill flourescent tubes. I have boxes of 35 watters and I simply cant see these working. On the other hand I have read a fair amount of...
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    T5 Flourescent

    Does anyone know if you can put a t5 bulb in a run of the mill shop light or do you need a special setup to run these $ 9.00 bulbs. Thanks in advance me
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    From Soil to Hydro

    instructables : Hydroponics - at Home and for Beginners I am a new member and have learned alot from all of you and wanted to say thanks to all for all the time you have put in to your art. I have read alot and seen alot of posts on how to hydro and ran across this article and it looked very...