16 days...what the hell


Active Member
This little baby is the only seed out of 11 that even germinated. They are bagseed and I have had It under 5 23w cfl's for the past 16 days. I am fully under the impression that it was over watered and in soil that was too obsorbant and didnt allow proper drainage.

I mixed up some new scotts soil this am and added a bit of pebble rock for drainage.

My temp is consistant 74 and the ph is 6.7 to 6.9 which I have learned was pretty good.

Feel free to comment on my stunted growth.

Thanks all



Active Member
I have a computer fan that is blowing on it as well.

I forgot to mention, this may sound weird but if you bring the plant up to your face and rub it on your lips it appears to be very dry and brittle to the touch. It smells like...I would say lettuce???

thx all


Well-Known Member
I would add more than a bit of gravel rock. If you can get perilite (any garden store) you should mix like 60/40.


Active Member
thanks buddha, I was having an after thought along the lines of I didnt add enough drainage material. I'm a bit scared to mess with it again so soon after the "freak out" I just gave it this morning.

As for the age...it is 16 days old from germ.

I am sure my saturated, over watered, under drained soil was and is the problem. I will say for 16 days the roots looked very good and were very much so to the bottom of the container.


Active Member
I just took a quick peek and he/she looks like its recovering very well from the change of soil. I wateredthis am and the soil is actually warm to the touch??? I am using 5 23w cfl's so this was a surprise.

Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
It looks like its coming along nice to me bro. I have been smoking my whole life but never ever even seen a pot plant before so Im no expert by any means, however, I do know that bright green is a good sign, and my plants look alot like yours only mine were stunted for the first week I think.


24 hours after transplant into a better draining soil. Now 16 days old.

thats looks ok for now, looks like it had some shock beign that small for 16 days old. do not water until that whole pot dries, and next time your transplant, do it in something bigger! keep those cfls real close too


Well-Known Member
I'm just about to get 'vulnerable' myself, so will be off my 'Face'.. and no, I'm not part of the 'GayTeam' before you ask!


Well-Known Member
You slacker.
I dunno...
It seemed right to say at the time.
Ok so I need a new day hobby, getting high is so overrated...
Yeah the fuck right lol
Look at me talking to myself in this shit lol
I need a friend.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't smoke until after 5pm the day just drags if you smoke too early & I never do sweet FA if I do have a smoke I'm a lazy S.O.B naturally anyway lol