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  1. H

    i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass

    i gotta ask, how much did all of this glass-blowing equipment cost?
  2. H

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    an eighth is always 3.5g. if that isn't the weight that you think of when you are think of an eighth, you are thinking of something other than an ounce.
  3. H

    4/20 what yall smokin?

    ak47 X jack herrer. soooooo dank. edit: for the record, my username is "don quixote" on
  4. H

    Oxy Online?

    i can get any drug online. you just have to know where to look.
  5. H


    you can vomit from any type of opiate use. i'm going to assume it was an 8mg pill, and you took half of it which is 4mg. with no tolerance that's quite a bit. also, snorting (railing) is much more efficient.
  6. H

    tips for ecstasy use

    you don't really need to spread your doses out every two weeks. that's just recommended for the best effects. with potentiation, even if you dosed less than a week ago, you can still roll hard. check your pills with
  7. H

    mushroom ???

    most mushrooms are only illegal while dry, if they aren't dried then depending on where you live, it's legal. as for the pressure cooker, no, you do not need one. although they are the best way to get the most sterile mushrooms. The point of pressure cooking your jars , is because the jar and...
  8. H

    Has anyone noticed this?

    they don't need to save their own asses... i think they just fucked up typing.
  9. H

    I'm in need to Experiment..I'm getting bored of substances

    get into some research chemicals and some pharms.
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    vicodin is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, opiate that you could get. chronic pain could get you prescribed, mouth surgery (such as getting teeth removed) could get you a temporary prescription, but likely nothing more than that. headaches probably aren't the reason that she is prescribed...
  11. H

    Sniffing pain killers

    it depends on what type of pain killer it is. first, i'll give you a little background on pain killers. pain killers are also called opiates or opiods. they come from poppy. that's enough background. snorting ___: tylenol: don't do it. the active "pain killing" ingredient in tylenol is ace...
  12. H

    whats the best weed

    i agree with bob dylan right above me. but we can't answer what the best weed is, it's all a personal preference.
  13. H


    not true. i know of several different online vendors that sell things from pharms, to research chemicals. i'm sure many other people on here also know of some.
  14. H

    Grinder hash

    ...i totally read right over those posts.:wall::weed:
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    cleaning your bowl

    ISO alcohol and salt. or you could try boiling it, that works too. dish washer also.
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    Bump If You're Baked!

    headband. stoneddddd
  17. H

    Grinder hash

    have you guys ever made hash oil? it gets you sooo much higher than hash in my opinion. i'll find the steps on how to make it.
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    So what do you do for a living?

    snowboarding and skateboarding are my seasonal jobs. get a job at a restaurant, the food industry is crawling with drug-users.
  19. H


    if .5 doesn't get you baked, you should get better bud. i can get pretty high from 1 bong hit.
  20. H

    best cure for insomnia?

    benzos will knock you out, just don't take too much. 1mg if you take klonopin, and .5-1mg if you are taking xanax. those are the two most popularly prescribed benzos in my opinion.