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  1. sparkitman

    above the

    they're HIGHlarious
  2. sparkitman

    Mad High

    yes..but that only happens to me with good hash weed tires me out a bit in large quanities, with hash tho i can work for ages
  3. sparkitman

    Med Card question. How to get em...

    i have scoliosis and extreme back pain during random points every day. cant bend over to pick something up. really cant do much at all for that period of time. just sit down and wait it over hope to apply for the card when im back in the states. Wont it seem like im a toker if i ask the doc "i...
  4. sparkitman

    Germany vs Turkey

    hated soccer until i came to italy now i haven't missed a euro 08 game yet
  5. sparkitman

    Amsterdam for Vacation

    my girl and i spent 140 total for 4 nights in a private room at a hostel. We called it the smoke den because after 4 days of amsterdamian chaos it looked like like a tornado had come through i was at the dam about 3 months ago, and the bud prices have gone up drastically 10-15 euros for ak...
  6. sparkitman

    man, my parents bum me out

    beer is delicious
  7. sparkitman

    man, my parents bum me out

    im in italy right now studying to get my masters europe has opened my eyes on living the chill-life, the atmosphere here compared to the u.s is like night and day. and there is no legal drinking age. if the clerk thinks your too young for alcohol he wont sell it to you. ive seen kids as young...
  8. sparkitman

    have weed...cant smoke

    greatest thing i have ever read if i knew wtf reps were, i would give some to you
  9. sparkitman

    What's Your Fav. Smoking Method & Why???

    poland spring roachanator, always carry 5 or 6 empty bottles in my trunk just incase
  10. sparkitman

    alternative to rolling paper

    no man..please never use printer paper tampon wrapper is the only thing ive ever substituted a paper for and it was "alright" minus the fact your smoking a tampon wrapper
  11. sparkitman


    never smoked spliffs until i moved to europe. I always threw in straight bud only since the move im a die hard tobacco/weed fan. Plus i find my herb bag stays fat for a bit longer since the perfect spliff is all about quality and not always quantity
  12. sparkitman

    Strange Wilderniss - Worth watching ?

    fun movie, def. better if stoned the humor is great
  13. sparkitman

    I Wet Myself Laughing - Rofl !!!!!!!!!

    theres about 40 videos of this with subtitles
  14. sparkitman

    Think I might get high for the first time tonight

    i agree with music i suggest downloading, DJ Krush - sun is shining incredible music to set the mood
  15. sparkitman

    I'm sitting here naked...

    maybe he should just come home..and then u guys decide from there
  16. sparkitman

    police dogs?

    coming back to italy from amsterdam by train i was awoken out of my deep sleep by a K9 barking at me and his handler yelling at me in swiss long story short, the dog found my grinder with some left over herb from the dam. i thought i forgot and threw a couple of leftover nugs in the toothbrush...
  17. sparkitman

    just wow...

    damn the part that discusses the fact that we never learn shit about laws and rules of the united states in school is so true. And the only peeps that learn it are law majors, and then they become the corrupt politicians and this process repeats. good shit
  18. sparkitman

    1st Minor, 6 cops, 1 K9, fireworks, and beer, sound fun?

    if life has taught me one thing.. weed + fireworks = not such a great combination
  19. sparkitman

    In South Africa Chinese is the new black.

    hahaha thats good shit
  20. sparkitman

    jason mraz

    a song of this guys just popped up on the tv really got me in a good mood when u just listen and groove searched him up and turns out hes a pothead just like the rest of us High Times > JASON'S JOINT not sure if hes hip or not at this moment in the music scene. but it just goes to...