Strange Wilderniss - Worth watching ?


Well-Known Member
If your killing time and flipping through channels and it is on or you can tivo it then ya it has it's moments and there is some entertainment value in it, but save your money don't bother renting or god forbid buy it.


Well-Known Member
i loved it ..... story was stupid as fuck..... well the whole movie was but it was a stupid funny i found. But then again i don't pay for movies :D


Well-Known Member
I dont pay for my films, i download them with 5mbit/s :) Roll up a joint and its finish'd downloading. Extract and watch .... Blaze :)


Well-Known Member
500kbit/s was 5 years ago :)

And i thought my country was crap with internet, guess we are leading hosters here :)


Well-Known Member
500kbit/s was 5 years ago :)

And i thought my country was crap with internet, guess we are leading hosters here :)

yah i have to slowest "broadband" internet that bell Canada can give meh. I'm a cheap ass but i don't mind waiting 40 mins to an hour for a movie.


Well-Known Member
yah i have to slowest "broadband" internet that bell Canada can give meh. I'm a cheap ass but i don't mind waiting 40 mins to an hour for a movie.
:) I pay 30 dollars.... and its real cheap.. compared to my oncle who pay's for 5mbit 40 dollars ..... thats in england.....


Well-Known Member
omg actually after the first 20 mins its fucking hilarious... im watching now smoking my own homegrown and laughing my ass off ! this is great... !

hahaha the spanien * you just got knock'd the fuck out * haha * jumps in air *