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  1. M

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Hey al, Do you use co2? Is it worth it for SOG?
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Hey Al B i decided instead of hydrotonrocks im going to use those mini RW cubes as my medium, And put the clones straight into the cubes from my aero cloner. How often do you think i should flood with them? And since i dont have a big RW cube can i flood to the top of the tray? Thanks
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    IM SORRY AL B I know these questions been anwsered because iv acutally read them but iv been looking for the past 25 min and cant find them. What specific nutes do you use for each tray. What is your ppm and tempeture at Also im going to use pellets and was wondering how often and how long i...
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    Bubba X Master Kush

    The mix? or bubba kush or master kush? Thanks
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    Bubba X Master Kush

    Any body ever smoked it? or grew it? Im starting a grow this week and was thinking abotu picking up some of these clones but not sure if its a good strain. Im looking for indica dominate as well. anybody have more info on this strain?
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    Please smoke a blunt for a fellow grower

    I live in CA, and was planning a grow of about 2250wats of light and all the other fans im guessing 2500-3000 watts. But after this thread im not to sure? what do you guys think?
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    Police Notice

    Thats exacly what i want, advise and opinions also the anwser to my question would be nice. But when some one replies " SEE YOU IN JAIL" thats not a opinon nor is it advise. THanks
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    Police Notice

    ...your so much help...
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    Master Kush

    Um Acutally yes, Because my type of grow requires indica dominate, and i want to grow MK so yes it does matter. WHy do you post if you help with the question?
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    Master Kush

    Hi, Dident get any responses at general so im going to post one here. I read in different seed sites that master kush is mostly indica and some sites say its mostly sativia, Does any one know if master kush is sativia or indica dominate? THanks
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    Police Notice

    Thanks evyerone for telling me not to grow instead of helping me with my question. Well to be more specific im fallowing AL B SOG style grow. All of my plants will be no bigger then about a foot to a foot n a half. Im using 4 seperate flood tables one for each 2 weeks so i harvest every 2 weeks...
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    Police Notice

    Hi, Im starting my first grow in a 3 bedroom apartment. I don't know what flowing plants smell like because i never grew before but im going to grow about 60-80 plants. Im going to get a carbon filter. What else is there a eliminate oder? Also with these things to what extent does it...
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    10x10 ROOM what now?

    Thanks for all the suggestions Im acutally going to fallow Al b set up exacly. Iv been reading the forum and see alot about 60 amp 120 amp or 240 amp, im not sure what i have but if i have a 60 or 120 how to i change it to a higher one like 240. Do i call a electrician? or do i...
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    Master Kush

    Hi, Iv been looking at some seed websites and some say MASTER KUSH is mostly indica and some say mostly sativia Does anyone know which if its sativa or indica dominate? Thanks
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Hey al B Sorry for all the questions but i just love the way you grow =) Do you think Master Kush would be a good strain for this type of grow?
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    A Batch of Clones in Rockwool

    thanks al b! I just like the idea of the areocloner for its simplicity What would i need to do if i place rooted clones from the areocloner directly into the pellets without rw? Thanks!
  17. M

    10x10 ROOM what now?

    Sorry guy ill be more specific. 10x10 room Budget is about 5k, 6 at most. I want to grow Sog style with no veg time So i need a little space for my mother and clones. THanks
  18. M

    10x10 ROOM what now?

    I have a empty 10x10 room i want to turn into a growroom. Can anyone explain to me what i need to do ?
  19. M

    HELP! Differnt ways of cloning

    Hi, I see that most people use Rockwool cubes to clone. But I want to use a EZcloner or aero cloner. After they ready for veg, i want to just put them into a netpot or small bucket with hydroton rocks on a floodtable. Would this be the best way to do it? any suggestions? Thanks
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    A Batch of Clones in Rockwool

    Hey AL B great post! Im also doing Sog style grow but had a question about the cloning. Im want to use kind of like a aero cloner, and then put them in a small bucket or net pots with hydroton rocks in a flood table. Is there anything wrong or less effective by doing this?