Police Notice


Well-Known Member
I get tired of paranoid folks too and I generally think people worry too much, but in this case they are right.

I'm guessing you are young and the idea of waiting three months while you do a 5 five plant practice grow seems like an incredibly long, lame, boring time, that no TRUE W33d Bar0n would ever do, in this case you really should though. Relax, and in three months you will know better whether you want to risk your life by growing that big in an apartment building. You have no understanding of why people say don't do it, but yet you are willing to risk your freedom? Dude, stop and think and do it right.


Well-Known Member
I cant speak from to much experince seeing as how im in my first grow now. But I have been in a few grow rooms.. As far as I can tell if you have a good size scrubber and the ion thinggie you should be able to keep smells down.. but with that amount and neighbors lickley to be on the other side of a wall I would be concerned with scenarios like power failure where your fan cant pull through scrubber and allows smells to escape... Also you should probably heavily consider where you are going to be venting to. I know you are tired of hearing people tell to not to do it or scale down. but I know for myself going with six plants now its more than I expected... I was going to go with 24. I can say I am glad that didn't work out for me. at least not now I got a ways to go before I can keep up with that... all that said you defiantly have the right place to get the help needed to be successful. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Plants in heavy bud stink like a mofomi cant stress this enough,no matter how well your prepared for the smell the 1st time around you'll not be prepared enough.

Get an ozone generator or even better get 2 if you can afford them,its always best to have back up plans in place to deal with the smell,have a shit load of some kind of citrus air freshener spray on hand,i use mango because it mixes with the odor very well,most air fresheners end up smelling like stetson mixed with weed.

Have an in room carbon filter attached to a high cfm centrifigual fan that will pull air from the room,clean it then recirculate the air back into the room,if you have access to a vent pipe or chimney have another fan/filter combo venting into an exhause pipe that leads to the chimney,inside this pipe install an ozone generator then put the other ozone generator inside the room,keep the generator thats in the room on low setting & far away from the plants.

I know i sound extreme but the size of the grow your planning is going to have extreme amounts of smell,imagine if that room caught fire how it would smell after the fire dept put the fire out,thats how strong the smell will be with a grow of that size.


Active Member
if ur from cali then u better do ur research as u are not allowed that manny and another factor the feds look for med groweres so be careful ! THEY JUST BUST MY FRIEND FOR 30 PLANTS AND HE HAD THE MED CARD TO SO WHAT OUT AND GOOD LUCK DUDE


Well-Known Member
Wow all i can say is wow..My advice to you is, you rent the apt next to yours. With the scrubber and every and all carbon fillters you can find and make.Vent out of your grow room and into the apt next door then out of that apt with another set of the aforementioned filters.,and hope for the best.. or something like that idk im high..


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well as said growing your first time 80 plants is gonna be tough especially in an apartment. If your doing Als rotating crops your gonna have divided rooms in the main room and will need carbon scrubbers and mufflers to silent them up. Your looking a few grand for what your gonna need.Figure each scrubber will need a big enough cfm fan so figure $225 x 4 on those then 4 larger can filters at $150 each then the mufflers are about $100 x 4. Now your also gonna wanna scent cover like ona so figure another $200 on that.Your gonna need to bring fresh air in from outside and be able to vent the scrubbed air outside so not sure how the apartment is setup but youll have to go through a wall cieling or window so your gonna have to figure that out and then some how blacken your room window your gonna grow in but make it look like its not blacked out or thats a tell tale sign of a grow.I assume your using digital lights to stop the loud hum of multiple lights ballasts.Make sure you have your own fuse box in your unit as you will pop some fuses as apartments usually arent wired strong enough so you ll need to do some modifying. For harvest and drying forget doing it in the apartment as about 3 weeks into flower its gonna be pretty bad smell filling the apartment so make sure you dont go out very much just stay inside and dont open doors or windows as the smell will travel. Dont use windo ac as it will exhaust smells and dont use your furncae or it will smell out side.


Well-Known Member
Well as said growing your first time 80 plants is gonna be tough especially in an apartment. If your doing Als rotating crops your gonna have divided rooms in the main room and will need carbon scrubbers and mufflers to silent them up. Your looking a few grand for what your gonna need.Figure each scrubber will need a big enough cfm fan so figure $225 x 4 on those then 4 larger can filters at $150 each then the mufflers are about $100 x 4. Now your also gonna wanna scent cover like ona so figure another $200 on that.Your gonna need to bring fresh air in from outside and be able to vent the scrubbed air outside so not sure how the apartment is setup but youll have to go through a wall cieling or window so your gonna have to figure that out and then some how blacken your room window your gonna grow in but make it look like its not blacked out or thats a tell tale sign of a grow.I assume your using digital lights to stop the loud hum of multiple lights ballasts.Make sure you have your own fuse box in your unit as you will pop some fuses as apartments usually arent wired strong enough so you ll need to do some modifying. For harvest and drying forget doing it in the apartment as about 3 weeks into flower its gonna be pretty bad smell filling the apartment so make sure you dont go out very much just stay inside and dont open doors or windows as the smell will travel. Dont use windo ac as it will exhaust smells and dont use your furncae or it will smell out side.

HEHE!!:evil::evil: Good one..:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks evyerone for telling me not to grow instead of helping me with my question.
Well to be more specific im fallowing AL B SOG style grow.
All of my plants will be no bigger then about a foot to a foot n a half.
Im using 4 seperate flood tables one for each 2 weeks so i harvest every 2 weeks
and able to control the diff nutes needed for diff weeks.

I have a extra room in the apt its not like its going to be out in the open, the door will remain locked, the building is a new building so im sure we wont have alot of leak or problems. And even so that room will remain locked.

So anyone that can help me with my question instead of telling me NOT to grow.

Don't you love answers to the questions you don't ask?!?:hump:

Apartments are the shit just don't be an idiot. I have a splitter to 2 large carbon filters you should tent your room off so the only air that goes out is through these filters (still into the same room) also I have a giant OZONE dispenser at high levels this can be fatal but you should get a couple of test kits when you purchase that will show you the air quality (ask your HYDRO store guy). If your up to the task do it there is no better teacher then mistakes we make.

People are just trying to help but I read a post where A man talked about when he asks a question he writes a ton of random answers, explains in detail, or lies about the rest of what hes doing. He said then you will get like 80% replies to your question and not others opinions or answers to shit you did not ask. Either way just something I read. I like the multiple answers and suggestions that way I can learn new stuff. We are big boys an girls so we don't want to hear what we can't or should not do but it's usually in help.

P.S. go to See More Buds - Grow Marijuana DVD order 15 lbs in 80 days DVD it's awsome to watch and then youll know what you can an want to do!


Well-Known Member
Hi, Im starting my first grow in a 3 bedroom apartment.

I don't know what flowing plants smell like because i never grew before but im going to grow about 60-80 plants.
Im going to get a carbon filter. What else is there a eliminate oder?
Also with these things to what extent does it eliminate the oder, like is it completly masked?

Thanks for the help
LOL see you in jail.. you will get caught .. If your going to grow . thats great Rent a house in the middle of knowhere and dont tell a soul...


Active Member
hello everyone, i figure i can put my two cents in. I am in the middle of my first grow with only 2 plants. they have ben on 12/12 for about a week and a half already everytime i open the door to my room a frrsh aroma of weed billows out into the rest of my house. that shit is strong i wasent ready. also considering i have a very cool mom, which understands why i do grow. All im saying is be carefull man dont ruin your life over something you could have gotten away with. PEACE OUT AND GOOD LUCK!


Well-Known Member
Overall no one is going to stop you from what you want to do. Alot of folks on here have been down the growing road once or twice and i would recommend listening to them. But like i said you are going to do what you want, good luck with it and i hope its successful for you.

I myself have a cali doctors rec and i thought when i got it, oh im going to grow and sell it to the clubs. after just harvesting my first 6 plants 2 weeks ago they are good, but i wouldnt want to sell them to the pot shops becuase i compare them to the bomb med buds and they arent there yet. i need a few more grows to get it there. but going for the gold on youe first grow may not have the overall result you want. Practice makes perfect, the long time in between sucks but its before to learn your technique and then go for the gold.

thats my .03 cents


Well-Known Member

Make sure you check the laws where u live- where i live that many plants is 1-15 years in the state pen- and a 5000 grand fine for the first offence-- hell, growing 4+ plants that yeild over 1 oz to 4oz is 1-4, but 1st offence would probally be probation....check your laws man, and in an appartment your risking it big time---too many eyes and noses......check out norml.org for the laws where u live in the states.



Well-Known Member
IMO, the grow op. your trying to do is what feds look for, especially when your trying to do it in an apartment. All it takes is 1 person who is against it, and all of a sudden your waking up to the DEA kicking down your door. But if your really going through with it i wish you the BEST of luck in your journey.


Well-Known Member
LOL see you in jail.. you will get caught .. If your going to grow . thats great Rent a house in the middle of knowhere and dont tell a soul...
Try living in the heart of the city and can see the PD from your window while growing. Oops some people must need to brag and have no clue. You can be in the middle of the woods or in A moving van. Youll get caught if your not carefull regardless where your at. Don't juice your electric use a 6 car battery set up relay and once every few weeks charge them at auto zone or use T5s an CFLs. Even if you rent a notice has to be given 24 hours or up to 5 days for an owner or landloard inspection (read your lease or your states landlord tennant act). You bring nobody over, you tell nobody, you don't over do it on electric, make sure there is no light escaping the grow room, and take care of the smell. I agree owning your own million acer farm in Anarctica would be great but thats not the case (if it is invite me over) for most of us so -- Grow on & GOOD LUCK!:peace:



Well-Known Member
He is actually being VERY helpful. You just aren't being open-minded or logical. People here aren't trying to give you bad advice. They aren't jealous of you. They aren't anti-growing. You understand that right? While I personally grow tomatoes some of the people here even grow marijuana! These people are on your side, whether you are going to wake up and listen is the only question.

You want free advice? Sometimes it comes with an opinion too.

...your so much help...


Well-Known Member
Grow enough to make yourself happy, and too much paperwork for the cops for that amount. Cops here won't touch that with a 10 ft. pole. Last year I had the annual fire dept. smoke alarm check....the guy sees my 4 plant's and smiled....he said I'm glad you're doing that on the deck and not inside....and left........no pop goes the twisty....:)


Well-Known Member
Try living in the heart of the city and can see the PD from your window while growing. Oops some people must need to brag and have no clue. You can be in the middle of the woods or in A moving van. Youll get caught if your not carefull regardless where your at. Don't juice your electric use a 6 car battery set up relay and once every few weeks charge them at auto zone or use T5s an CFLs. Even if you rent a notice has to be given 24 hours or up to 5 days for an owner or landloard inspection (read your lease or your states landlord tennant act). You bring nobody over, you tell nobody, you don't over do it on electric, make sure there is no light escaping the grow room, and take care of the smell. I agree owning your own million acer farm in Anarctica would be great but thats not the case (if it is invite me over) for most of us so -- Grow on & GOOD LUCK!:peace:

Well I was not the person whom was asking about growing in a 3 bedroom apt ... we ( well most of us) know that when you grow even 1 plant that they give off a smell. If you were going to place 26 or so plants in each bedroom .. YOU BET YOUR ASS YOUR GOING TO GET CAUGHT AND GO TO JAIL... If you live where their are alot of people then just grow what you can handle . (maybe a few in a closet) If not dont grow ..