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  1. jaubry777

    Got my beans from sea of seeds.

    So far i am incredibly disappointed with Sea of Seeds. I am still not an expert by any means, but up until now I've had great success, 3 rounds of good smokes from bag seed from cali buds. but this round I decided to shell out some money to Sea of Seeds and lemme tell ya. I have 2 plants that...
  2. jaubry777

    Sea of Seeds Shipping and Payment Info

    anyone who orders seeds is taking a risk so, yeah, this is obviously a sensitive subject. make sure to take you're blood pressure medicine!
  3. jaubry777

    Can I fire a CMH lamp on this convertable 400W ballast?

    well thats a pretty horrible experience. maybe you werent using the right ballast. I have a magnetic COPPER CORE ballast made by philips specifically for it, 5 year warranty. cost me $67 plus $12 shipping. where did you order your bulb from? Also i have no experience using any other bulbs other...
  4. jaubry777

    Can I fire a CMH lamp on this convertable 400W ballast?

    the greatest thing about these bulbs is they are much cooler than HPS and they produce a clean white light that isnt at all bothersome to your eyes, also easier to take photos. I had my buds within 2 inches of my reflector, which is just cooled with a standing fan. no burning just some major...
  5. jaubry777

    Can I fire a CMH lamp on this convertable 400W ballast? this guy sells em for $35. extended 18 month warranty. only company to pre burn all bulbs. oh and, philips has discontinued this bulb. I have used it 3 times now with great results. in a 20"x20" closet i was able to yield 5oz. im a newbie. good luck to all
  6. jaubry777

    The Chronikool of the Big Bang and the Circus of light™

    my first grow ever was off a regular LED flood light and 3 cfl spirals. thats it. baby got 4 feet tall and had some popcorn buds, course i didnt even know how to spell ph at the time. yeah, regular ass bulbs work and they save lots of money and you can play around hanging some on either side and...
  7. jaubry777

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    yes, this is what we want and need, smaller panels. congrats for moving in the right direction! will make it easier for people like me to actually give your company money. ;)
  8. jaubry777

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    what is your website???
  9. jaubry777

    The Dawg House Grow Featuring Area-51 Leds

    are the area-51 series II lights that you used for this available for purchase anywhere? i cant find ANY sites with the lights you've mentioned in your first post. :( oh and, everything looks great you clearly know how to treat the ladies well! about to roll up my laptop and try to smoke that!
  10. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    i forgot you could talk to plants cuz you're god. obviously you know exactly what and when they like! why is someone like you even on this site? should be making millions off your ultimate grow guide.
  11. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    lemme first say bmeat, u and i seem to have a lot in common on this site and i dunno y u have such a hated reputation. your comments are much appreciated! i dunno too much about the technical side of lumens or 4-5k, 10k etc... what i can tell you is that you should look into alternating lights...
  12. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    lmao hes already got a well established business run by his father. he runs the horticulture side of it. check em out they are actually truly legit and only concerned with results and people like us. ive had 2 hour long conversations with the man and he's awesome. should be more than obvious...
  13. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    led is just a headache in my opinion, unless each diode is individually wired, if one goes out all the diodes along that strip go out. and then what, you gotta send your light in for repair? Ceramic Metal Halide is nice because it stays cooler. with just a lil fan i have temps of 75 degrees and...
  14. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    "I really like CMH.. Plants overall health was better then just using HPS as a matter a fact I had no nute burn till I switched to HPS for a week.. and within 2 days I had some ill looking leaves after running the CMH they are starting to look better.. they also run much cooler then hps.."
  15. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    Yeah it may come around, I just keep kicking myself in the but for not flushing sooner .. she went from drinking 1.3 gallons of water a day to a half gallon.. roots have been damaged we will see how it go's over the next week if she starts to drink a gallon a day again i will start to intoduce...
  16. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    read read read the answers are all there haha
  17. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    i appreciate the info. guess theres a bunch of misinformation out there if anyone can use either bulbs for whatever... maybe they just dont have a green thumb, or its stuck up their ass. who knows.
  18. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    actually i read it all. start to finish. idiot!
  19. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    keep reading, you find out that within like 3 days of switching to HPS he switched BACK to CMH because HPS was BURNING HIS PLANTS. nute burn. you shouldnt realy switch from CMH to anything else halfway thru, as he found out the hard way.
  20. jaubry777

    Veg and Flower simultaneously on one bulb.

    have fun strugglin while the rookies blow you out of the water with $300 grow rooms. peace!