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  1. D

    First grow, time for harvest

    Here you go. They took 70 days from germination & I ran them on 20 hours lights and 4 hours dark.
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    First grow, time for harvest

    I've got a couple of cream caramel autos as well. They're about a week a head I'll post some pics soon
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    First grow, time for harvest

    I'm really pleased with her! I veg'd for 7 weeks and flowered with 8 including the dark period. I'd love to give her another week but I'm moving house December 16th and can't be doing with the hastle of looking after the grow at the same time
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    First grow, time for harvest

    Does that make any difference! Stupid autocorrect
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    First grow, time for harvest

    Also I'm not going to be chopping her down for 3/4 days. Currently she's sitting in pitch black and that's how she'll stay until chop time. Wilkinson that make any difference?
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    First grow, time for harvest

    Yeah it's about 5 days early but unfortunately time isn't on my side. Will an early harvest have much of an effect on it?
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    First grow, time for harvest

    Hi all, So as some of you might know I've been growing a couple of Big Bang 2's and finally it's time to harvest. This pretty lady has just been flushed and I thought I'd share her with you, I am very very proud of her :joint::-o She is 115cm tall and 133cm wide (although I've used string to...
  8. D

    Switching nutes

    I don't dislike Canna. The thing is this is my first grow and Canna came in a package so I don't have anything else to measure it against, all I know if from this forum and people seem to swear by certain products. If it doesn't make any difference I'll happily stick with Canna!
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    Switching nutes

    Hi all, I'm currently about 3 weeks into flowering & I've been using Canna A&B. I've just about run out & will be buying more nutes pretty soon, but I am wondering if I was to switch the type of nutes would it effect the plants? & if not any recommendations for different nutes?:wall:
  10. D

    Big Bang 2

    I've got two more as well which are nowhere near as impressive, biggest one is about 75cm tall and 50cm wide. The fella above is still growing everyday I've got a 1.2M tent and it's pretty much taken over it all. I veg'd for 7 and half weeks under a 600HPS lights 18/6 & I've been using Canna A&B...
  11. D

    Big Bang 2

    Hi all, A while back I posted a few pics with my Big Bang 2 plants, at the time I thought I might of been having a few problems with it. Anyway, I'm now a week into flowering and it is going very very well and one of you asked me to keep them updated. Here's the link for the old thread is...
  12. D

    Height issues

    I have the air flowing 24/7, at the moment I'm using a 5" fan pulling 280m2 an hour, I think I'm going to up it to 6" this week coming.
  13. D

    Height issues

    Ah okay. I'm using Wilma 8 and the info sheet it came with said it should be used for 15 minutes twice a day! I've just diluted the water and turned the pump on, hopefully I'll see some major growth in the next few days!
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    Height issues

    So would you recommend having the hydro pumping all of the time?
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    Height issues

    Thanks man, that's lifted a weight off my shoulders!
  16. D

    Height issues

    I've not started to feed them the full strength yet, I was going to give the tank 24hrs to settle. Do you think I should maybe water it down some what?
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    Height issues

    Any help at out would be really appreciated!
  18. D

    Height issues

    They're under a 600W HPS lights, PH level is at 5.6, I'm using Canna A&B nutes, they were on 1/4 strength up until today when I switched to full strength 40ml/10litres. the hydro goes on for about 10 minutes every other day. I don't know what you mean by ppm? When I first started temps were in...
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    Height issues

    Here's a couple of pictures.
  20. D

    Height issues

    Hi guys, I've been growing three Big Bang 2's now for about 5 weeks on 20/4 light and so far the tallest one is only 8 inches, hasn't grown in about a week and appears to have started flowering. (although I could be totally wrong, this is my first grow) I did have major temp issues for the...