Height issues

Hi guys,
I've been growing three Big Bang 2's now for about 5 weeks on 20/4 light and so far the tallest one is only 8 inches, hasn't grown in about a week and appears to have started flowering. (although I could be totally wrong, this is my first grow) I did have major temp issues for the first 3 or 4 weeks, so I'm think that might of effected it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
They're under a 600W HPS lights, PH level is at 5.6, I'm using Canna A&B nutes, they were on 1/4 strength up until today when I switched to full strength 40ml/10litres. the hydro goes on for about 10 minutes every other day. I don't know what you mean by ppm?
When I first started temps were in the high 90's for about a week, they then dropped to around 89 but have stabilized now at 73-82 & the humidity is typically around 40%


Well-Known Member
It looks as though you have a indica or very indica dominant plant so they may play a role in height also around weeks 4-5 my plants usually slow in height and add on some new growth and after that they take off.Heat really doesn't effect growth rates just fucks em up a lil bit.In another week or so you will seed a big height increase so don't worry your plants look healthy.


Well-Known Member
a jump from 1/4 strength to full strength is a bit of a shock to them. ppm is how we measure how much nutes are in the water.

let me know how these turn out. i wanted to grow big bang 2 but i got free seeds.
I've not started to feed them the full strength yet, I was going to give the tank 24hrs to settle. Do you think I should maybe water it down some what?
It looks as though you have a indica or very indica dominant plant so they may play a role in height also around weeks 4-5 my plants usually slow in height and add on some new growth and after that they take off.Heat really doesn't effect growth rates just fucks em up a lil bit.In another week or so you will seed a big height increase so don't worry your plants look healthy.
Thanks man, that's lifted a weight off my shoulders!


Well-Known Member
They're under a 600W HPS lights, PH level is at 5.6, I'm using Canna A&B nutes, they were on 1/4 strength up until today when I switched to full strength 40ml/10litres. the hydro goes on for about 10 minutes every other day. I don't know what you mean by ppm?
When I first started temps were in the high 90's for about a week, they then dropped to around 89 but have stabilized now at 73-82 & the humidity is typically around 40%
I wouldnt jump from 1/4 strength to full strength in 1 day mate...ween them up, to be honest i wouldnt even go full strength but thats just me


Well-Known Member
a lot of people do it different, so whatever works for you. most people do it 1/4 first week, 1/2 second week and full strength 3rd week and so on.

we use less nutrients in hydro as the roots are always soaking in the nutrients
Ah okay. I'm using Wilma 8 and the info sheet it came with said it should be used for 15 minutes twice a day!
I've just diluted the water and turned the pump on, hopefully I'll see some major growth in the next few days!


Well-Known Member
lol my bad i though u were talking about an air pump. for that follow the instructions !!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
a lot of people do it different, so whatever works for you. most people do it 1/4 first week, 1/2 second week and full strength 3rd week and so on.

we use less nutrients in hydro as the roots are always soaking in the nutrients
True mate, im currently in coco at the min, could you have a look at my latest thread if you have any answers for it? Cheers insane!
I have the air flowing 24/7, at the moment I'm using a 5" fan pulling 280m2 an hour, I think I'm going to up it to 6" this week coming.