Big Bang 2

Hi all,

A while back I posted a few pics with my Big Bang 2 plants, at the time I thought I might of been having a few problems with it. Anyway, I'm now a week into flowering and it is going very very well and one of you asked me to keep them updated.
Here's the link for the old thread is anyone is interested in seeing the progress.
Currently standing at 103cm tall and 67cm wide.:mrgreen:
So, here's a few pictures. I hope you like them



Well-Known Member
wow thats a nice big plant!!!!! ive just started a big bang seed,seems to be one of those strains not many ppl have grown. if mine turn out anything near this i'll be happy!! how long did u veg? and with what lights?
I've got two more as well which are nowhere near as impressive, biggest one is about 75cm tall and 50cm wide. The fella above is still growing everyday I've got a 1.2M tent and it's pretty much taken over it all. I veg'd for 7 and half weeks under a 600HPS lights 18/6 & I've been using Canna A&B nutes at half the recommended measurements. I picked Big Bang 2 because from what I had read it was an easy strain for someone starting out, I'd definitely recommended it to anyone for a first grow.