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  1. Freaxovna8r

    Mutated Big Buddha Cheesy Dick

    Cheers guys. Yep i will keep you updated with pics as and when i can. I did read about mold problems, cheers dude. Going to turn to 12/12 in a day or so just giving the girls a day or 2 to get used to their new pots. I have 1 x K-Train, 1 x Cheesy Dick, 1 x LSD and 1 x Jack widow in pots...
  2. Freaxovna8r

    Mutated Big Buddha Cheesy Dick

    Hi Guys, its been a while since ive been on here hope your all well and your gardens are green. I was wondering if any of you have come across a mutation like this before. Its as if 2 main stems have fused together and grown almost rectangular in shape. it also has multiple main growing...
  3. Freaxovna8r

    Many thanks too all who answered my questions..

    Cheers guys with a little help from these forums amongst other places i garnered enough knowledge to get through my first proper grow. With an unexperienced eye i wasnt expecting much after i trimmed and hung it. And to watch it drying and getting smaller as it was losing moisture really...
  4. Freaxovna8r

    GH Ripen. How and when?

    Hi guys, quick question for ya all. Ive been given some GH Ripen by a mate of mine who told me to use it in the last 2 wks of flower at the rate of 2ml per Liter. Do i use at as the only nutrient for that period or do i add it to my already mixed bloom nutes??????????:weed:
  5. Freaxovna8r

    Second grow Cheesey dick

    Going to start the same strain soon. Was wondering which of seeds to germ next and after seeing your thread ive made up my mind. Cheers Fella. Gonna have to keep checking in to see how you go. Keep it up dude they look good to me. But then im only on my first proper grow myself so maybe i...
  6. Freaxovna8r

    Best pot size?

    Hi guys i was just wondering about pots. What would you recommend as far as pot size goes. If i was to grow a single plant in a space say 1.2m square and 2.5 tall. What would you think that the best final pot size would be to get the best rootball and maximise yield from the 1 plant:?::?::?:
  7. Freaxovna8r

    HELP... Hermaphroditic Cannabis? What Shall I Do?!

    Take the above advice, take it down serious clean up then try again.
  8. Freaxovna8r

    At what stage of flower do the buds fatten up?????

    Hey Slipon thanks for that chart im within 6-7 inches away so im looking good as far as getting the most out of my light. By the way im growing hydro using cocos and clay pebbles as medium and feeding with Ionic nutes. A completely passive system i just water as when she needs it, she gets good...
  9. Freaxovna8r

    At what stage of flower do the buds fatten up?????

    Hi guys i was just wondering how long into flowering is it before the buds really start to fatten up usually? I know different strains will react differently. But i was just wondering Im growing a single female cheese under 1 x 400w hps with 4 x 20w cfl`s around the base of the girl for an...
  10. Freaxovna8r

    Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????

    This is just at the end of 4th week of 12/12. :weed::weed::weed::bigjoint:
  11. Freaxovna8r

    Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????

    Right then just added 4 20w 2700k cfl`s at about 6 inches above the rim of the pot. So lets see if that helps. Should get quite a bit of extra light into the lower canopy now and hopefully boost this baby even more. Also bought some of the new Ionic Boost PK 14-15 yesterday which i will start...
  12. Freaxovna8r

    Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????

    Looking good mate, thing is with limited room i didnt want to put more than 2 plants in my cab. Then discovered one was hermie so got rid. Now the cheese is taking up the whole room almost but on the plus side she is getting the most out of the light and space she has to grow big and strong...
  13. Freaxovna8r

    Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????

    Nah mate not cfl. 400w hps from seedling about 3-4 weeks veg then turned to 12/12. Mentioned 600w in response to buds question.
  14. Freaxovna8r

    Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????

    As i have already stated this is a fem greenhouse seeds cheese at wk 4 of 12/12. 1st time grow and so far i think its doing pretty good. But thats just my opinion. Any feedback would be great. Cheers
  15. Freaxovna8r

    Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????

    Spot on Sworth. Ive seen so many people who have obviously done no research for themselves asking so many questions they could have found the answers to themselves if only they were prepared to spend a little time reading a few posts and doing some homework before they start.
  16. Freaxovna8r

    Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????

    As it happens Buds my one mate is consistently getting between 6 to 9 oz per plant normally with 2 to 3 plants under 1 600w hps. Like i said this is my first grow and this place is such a minefield of info thats why i had to ask.
  17. Freaxovna8r

    Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????

    Cheers for your advice guys, i guessed that it may be a bad idea to start hacking bits off now but i just wanted to check. What i have been doing over the last cpl of days is bending some of the bigger leaves just out of the way so more light is penetrating the bottom of the plant and getting...
  18. Freaxovna8r

    Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????

    Hi Guys this might sound like a really stupid question to a lot of you experienced growers but here we go. A few mates who are also fellow growers have recomended that i thin out the plant a little to allow more light to reach the lower smaller bud sites. Now ive read and been told that by...
  19. Freaxovna8r

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Awesome thread. Got 5-6 wks left before harvest and the info I've gained from taking the time to read this is brilliant. Major rep to you koijn. I'll try and get some decent pics up in a few wks so ya can see where I'm at.
  20. Freaxovna8r

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Here are some pics just taken excuse the quality im using my phones camera to take these. This is 23 days into flower Wiil update as and when i get a chance to.