Thinning out the plant to allow more light to lower bud sites during flower???????


Well-Known Member
I trimmed in flower with no regrets. If you take a bunch of leaves all at once the plant will stall. I took them gradually over a 2 week period I guess.

Clearing fan leaves will make the lower buds mature and plump up if the light above has any strength. 1 or 2 weeks after a trim the plant will develop more bud leaves to make up the difference.

Do it if you want. I feel there is not a big advantage either way. You can also just remove the lower buds to focus energy in the top buds.


Well-Known Member
Hi leaner hear, first time growing outside so tried super skunk, and only one plant, can i ask what you mean by ( i remove suckers ) as my plant is two weeks into budding
I mean the lower branches that will get little light, produce lower quality weed and suck recources from the higher areas of the plant. However, I take clones from those lower branches when I cut them for my next round .


Well-Known Member
no man.
its like your trying to grow and your dad comes in one day and takes a couple inches off the top of you. your head is forever fucked. a plant can recover from shock and stress such as pruning. is it ever 100% again? no hence the reason you suffer in yield.
i would add some side lighting.

i have a question for peeps.
i started flushing monday evening(week 6) iam running fresh water every night until 8 weeks hit and i'll harvest it.
when i harvest......
do the same occurances of hermaphoditism occur if i were to harvest my tops first (about 9 its been topped several times.) and leave the lower half of the plant potted in tact to receive some better needed light?
or will it shock it and just started herming that lower portion of the plant?
ive been thinking about doing this because its trainwreck, requires 8-10 weeks of 12/12 im going exactly 8 with mine i nthe thought i want it more sativa than inidica.
if i cut my tops at 8 weeks and leave the second half for another 1 or 2 that could enable me to see how the bud is harvested at 10 weeks as opposed to 8
I have not gotten hermies from harvesting tops first. But you have such a short time from finish I doubt it would matter


Right then just added 4 20w 2700k cfl`s at about 6 inches above the rim of the pot.

So lets see if that helps. Should get quite a bit of extra light into the lower canopy now and hopefully boost this baby even more.
Also bought some of the new Ionic Boost PK 14-15 yesterday which i will start using from next week.

Will update with pics when i get a few mins to take some but she is looking damn fine. Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!