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  1. I

    Intelligent design

    Miss, You are blindly accepting that those drawings are 17,000 years old. If they used radiometric dating then there were three major assumptions made to arrive at the 17,000 years. 1)They assumed that the radioactive conditions have stayed the same for thousands to millions of years. 2)They...
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    Intelligent design

    Miss, Where did God come from? Who created God? If you believe in a creator of all that is seen and unseen then you believe He is the beginning and the end, alpha and omega. He always has been and always will be. It is a matter of excepting that there is a dimension beyond our own ability to...
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    Intelligent design

    Maybe instead of trying to figure out what happened at the beginning of time, because none of us were there, we should stop and look at where we are right now. What truly matters to you when all of the indoctrinated propaganda is pushed aside? For me it would be the love I have for my family...
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    Doom and gloom or hope?

    I hope I am completely wrong. The worlds elite do not fly by the seat of their pants. There has been and is now an agenda that is in process. Squeeze the middle class to a point of surrender, open the borders at Mexico/Canada and establish the north American union. Trade the Amero against the...
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    Man made the Bible to control MAN!

    Zurces, God fearing people do not affect your life do they? Do they make you pray before you eat? Do they make you go to church on Sunday? Do they take 10% of your money? My guess is no. So then the question is why is it on your mind? Why do you seem so emotionally charged against it? The...
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    No god and no jesus

    Roseman said it. We are not here on earth to just hang out and hope to get lucky. Each of us have purpose. I believe that we are commanded to consistently be focused on not what can be done for us but we can do for Him through His guidance. His guidance can be found through acknowledging Him...
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    heroin on an airplane

    Wrap it in plastic, then in tissue, then two pcs of chewed up bubble yum. Hold it in your mouth till you get through security. Spit it out into a tissue. When you get where it safe pull it apart and the gum will pull the tissue off leaving you your plastic baggie. Then get some suboxone. Heroin...
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    Waiting For God to send Wife

    Faith in Him. Acknowledge Him first in all things and follow through with what He puts on your heart. God will bless you for it. Life is not about preventing, running from, or going around the fires that pop up. Its about how you handle yourself as you walk through them. If it is in His plan...
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    A question for righties

    Medi, I think you would admit that there are right leaning citizens in every pay grade. Even poor people. "Fuck the poor people" is not an opinion solely owned by republicans. I think that when we quit looking at life changing issues like its a ball game with fans blindly pointing there foam...
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    ATTN: U.S. Seed Buyers

    Max420, How long after you ordered the seeds did you get the visit?
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    Hey Miss, Your talking about health insurance, bladder infections, prostate cancer, dollars and costs. I think murdering babies is a little bit of a bigger deal. I remember when I was a little kid I was at the babysitters house and she put me in front of the TV and played a undercover video of...
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    Creation Vs. Evolution

    The amazing design of all natural things in the universe. The complexity of the human body. The individuality of the human brain. The personal soul. I would never claim to speak for anyone else but I have a soul. I know from personal spiritual experiences that there is one true God but proving...
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    Ever try Supernova?

    Has anyone ever noticed significant results from using SuperNova? It is a plant hormone cytokinin. It is supposed to produce more bud sites. It mentioned that it is great as a foliar spray which I am not really interested in. More bud sites would not hurt my feelings though.
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    best way to preserve your bud

    I have heard of people storing weed in the freezer. Does anyone think that is a bad idea?
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    Meditation Jesus and weed

    I believe that Jesus is interested in a very personal relationship with me as an individual. He desires for you to make Him first in all things. He uses your obedience as a barometer for what He can trust you with. I smoke weed to make me feel more comfortable. To alleviate the stress and...
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    Two State Ease Marijuana Laws

    In Michigan does that mean that dispensaries will open up or will users have to grow there own?
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    have to quit! tingling in arms legs etc

    Smoking can effect circulation. If you are just laying on a couch focusing on how your left arm is going to sleep wondering when your going to have a heart attack it probably seems worse. Try switching strains. It happens to me but I focus on something else and it goes away.
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    Weed and panic/ paranoia/ schizophrenia

    There is such a thing as controlling your high. If your going to get blown out high I suggest focusing on the positive (happy thoughts). Good or bad that takes practice. You dont want to go into the spirit world focusing on bad things or having a negative slant glass half empty attitude or its...
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    Are tops more potent?

    Do you know if the tops off the colas are more potent? I have noticed that there is a different high from the buds lower on my plant than from the tops. Is this all in my head? It seems like it would make sense that different areas of the plant would mature at different times but typically it...
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    HPS over MH for Veggie

    If you already know everything why are you asking? If you want nice healthy plants that produce well, follow whats tried and true.