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  1. iosys

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Can take a shot later without light, but here is of the whole plant:
  2. iosys

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Growing white widow, and one of them seem to be developing very fast. Week 7 flowering tomorrow. What do you think? 1 more week?
  3. iosys

    Jack Herer. Who has the best? Black label?

    The bulldogs jackherer is so far pretty lame. I'm using a 600W HPS for flowering, and in a couple of days they'll be flowering for 3 weeks. But only half meter tall. :/ I vegged them for almost 7 weeks under a 600W MH. So thumbs down for the bulldog.
  4. iosys

    First Grow Journal - Jack Herer x 6

    Very nice! :) It seems like it will produce alot of bud.
  5. iosys

    Nitrogen deficiency, help appriciated!

    Ey ey, calm down everyone. I didn't even wet the buds or anything, I just misted the largest leaves while I holded my hand infront of the buds to protect them from the waterdrops! :) And no worries, I have two fans and about 32% RH, and also a really good exhaust-fan. I know plants are getting...
  6. iosys

    Nitrogen deficiency, help appriciated!

    Hi all! I am growing a couple of white widows and jack herers. They are now in flowering week 2. Unfortuanly almost every plant is showing lack of nitrogen, with the lower leaves getting yellow. :/ Two days ago I added a fertilizer with some more nitrogen in it. But the leaves are still getting...
  7. iosys

    Are my plants to small? 600W grow 54 days

    Yeah as I thought then. Feels kinda waste now that i bought a tent with 2 meters in height. But well see I guess.
  8. iosys

    Are my plants to small? 600W grow 54 days

    But could they double in height in two weeks? It seems extreme.. :P
  9. iosys

    Are my plants to small? 600W grow 54 days

    Hi all. I am growing for the first time, and here is the deal. I've been reading up alot, got the right equipment etc etc. Currently I'm using a 1x1x2m grow tent, 600W MH for the veg, and 600W HPS for bloom. So far my plants had a good time (just once they got a bit droopy cause of...
  10. iosys

    Plants stressed/droopy after switching to 12/12, any ideas?

    Never heard of it, will look it up though. Anyway, hypochondriac? No way! :) Compare these photos and you'll see. Earlier today: After some watering: /
  11. iosys

    Plants stressed/droopy after switching to 12/12, any ideas?

    The problem was watering. Allthough the soil was a little moist a couple of inches down, it clearly wasn't enough. So after a good old watering they are peaking right backup again.. :D
  12. iosys

    Plants stressed/droopy after switching to 12/12, any ideas?

    I will. gah, the waiting when your plants looks sad is the worst.. You just want to add a touch of magic and make them perk right up again. :D
  13. iosys

    Plants stressed/droopy after switching to 12/12, any ideas?

    Around 24 C. 75.2 fahrenheit ~
  14. iosys

    Plants stressed/droopy after switching to 12/12, any ideas?

    Yeah. But it's so strange. They seemed to be stressed after the dark-period, cause the light had only been on for about 1 hour when I checked and saw the misery.. So the drooping must have started when they noticed the dark period is the double (12 hours) compared to the six hours before.
  15. iosys

    Plants stressed/droopy after switching to 12/12, any ideas?

    Hi all! I've been vegging my plants for 45 days, and yesterday I switched over to 12/12 and switched to a 600W HPS bulb. Earlier i had a 600 MH bulb and 18/6 light schedual. But this day when the lights went on for the first time in their flowerphase after the long night, the plants are all...
  16. iosys

    Good or bad to mist the plants with nutrients?

    Hi all. Today I gave my 4 weeks old plants their first dose of nutrients. I used 1/5 of the recommended strenght in my water, and then I misted my darlings with it. They seem very OK and growing like hell. What is your opinion on this? Is it good or bad to mist the plants with a splash of...
  17. iosys

    Jack herer week 3 - droopy after transplant?

    That's comforting, thanks alot guys. :D I can sleep in peace.
  18. iosys

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi. Reporting in from Scandinavia here. Read this forum alot, and why not be a part of it? :)
  19. iosys

    Jack herer week 3 - droopy after transplant?

    Hi all. This is the first time I grow. Recently, I transplanted six out of my eight plants in total. I replanted 4 White Widow and 2 Jack Herer to larger pots (8-9 liter pots). Every plant seems to do just fine. But I'm thinking that one of them, a jack herer (who always been sensitive these...
  20. iosys

    Problem with watering.. Or maybe not?

    My space will hopefuly not be a problem. It's 2 meters hight.. Nah, as this is my first grow I will leave them alone, maybe toping on one of them just as a experiment.. :) Thanks alot for the information about transplanting! Have been reading alot about it, and hopefully it won't get to messy...