Plants stressed/droopy after switching to 12/12, any ideas?


Hi all!

I've been vegging my plants for 45 days, and yesterday I switched over to 12/12 and switched to a 600W HPS bulb. Earlier i had a 600 MH bulb and 18/6 light schedual.

But this day when the lights went on for the first time in their flowerphase after the long night, the plants are all droopy like hell! It's not a watering issue, the soil is moist a couple of inches down and I watered yesterday morning. And they are not overwatered either as I watered them earlier when the medium was bone-dry.

Here are some pictures.

They are all white widows.. Is this normal after switching to 12/12? This happend over one night!! :( They have been perfectly fine so far, and there hasn't been any droopy leaves through the entire lifecycle so far.. And now this setback!

I have a cooltube and the temp is good!


Well-Known Member
they r maybe a little shocked from the switch to hps from mh id let them be for a couple of days and see if they recover.maybe move the light right up and gradually move it back down again


Yeah. But it's so strange. They seemed to be stressed after the dark-period, cause the light had only been on for about 1 hour when I checked and saw the misery..

So the drooping must have started when they noticed the dark period is the double (12 hours) compared to the six hours before.


I will. gah, the waiting when your plants looks sad is the worst.. You just want to add a touch of magic and make them perk right up again. :D


The problem was watering. Allthough the soil was a little moist a couple of inches down, it clearly wasn't enough. So after a good old watering they are peaking right backup again.. :D


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

I've been vegging my plants for 45 days, and yesterday I switched over to 12/12 and switched to a 600W HPS bulb. Earlier i had a 600 MH bulb and 18/6 light schedual.

But this day when the lights went on for the first time in their flowerphase after the long night, the plants are all droopy like hell! It's not a watering issue, the soil is moist a couple of inches down and I watered yesterday morning. And they are not overwatered either as I watered them earlier when the medium was bone-dry.

Here are some pictures.

They are all white widows.. Is this normal after switching to 12/12? This happend over one night!! :( They have been perfectly fine so far, and there hasn't been any droopy leaves through the entire lifecycle so far.. And now this setback!

I have a cooltube and the temp is good!
did you leave the fans on all night? thats not even droopy. you're a hypochondriac. its nuttin to do with the flip. mb the air was too dry at the time...but your plants look first rate and the ability of cannabis to rebound is mind boggling...ever supercrop? try'll see what i'm talkin about


did you leave the fans on all night? thats not even droopy. you're a hypochondriac. its nuttin to do with the flip. mb the air was too dry at the time...but your plants look first rate and the ability of cannabis to rebound is mind boggling...ever supercrop? try'll see what i'm talkin about
Never heard of it, will look it up though. Anyway, hypochondriac? No way! :) Compare these photos and you'll see.

Earlier today:
After some watering: /