Problem with watering.. Or maybe not?


Hi all!

First of all, excuse me if my english is not the best. I live in Sweden and I've noticed how you people use "inch", "foot" and so on.. But I have no knowledge about that kind of magic. So I stick with european standards. :D


I am growing for the first time in a bud box tent (1x1x2m). My plants are 18 days old since sprouting, and I water them with 1½ shotglass every 2 days (one shotglass is 4cl). So I am giving them a bit more than 0.5dl every two days.

I am using a 600W MH lamp for vegg. The plants are growing extremely fast and good.

But one of my plants (A jack herer) is showing some strange behaviour. Everytime after watering the leaves get sad and hang down.. For a couple of hours.

First i thought i over watered, but I check with my finger around 5-7cm down in the soil, and it's bonedry. And in the middle/bottom of the medium it's still a little little bit moist.
Is there something wrong with my plant?

I read this on another forum
"It's normal when you water the plants that the leaves droop. The plant temporarily redirects its energy to the roots to absorb water and nutrients causing the pressure in the stems to be reduced. The drooping leaves is followed by a turnaround where the leaves start pointing up once the plant has sucked in the water it needs. All 100% normal.".

Could that be correct? What are your ideas about this?


Well-Known Member
det er helt normalt at bladene hænger efter vanding (vand langsomt og med hånd varmt vand med en PH på 6,5)

sorry .. hope you did understand my Denish ;)

and your English is not bad atall .. keep asking questions ..


Vad bra! Då gör jag inte helt fel. Kul med lite andra odlare ifrån norden! :)

Thanks for the reply. By the way, do you people think I should move my plants to bigger pots now? I though I should wait three weeks, but I kinda feel they would like more space.. :)
Here is a pic:

They are 16 days old on that picture, today they are 18 days old and a bit larger and bushier than on the pic..


Well-Known Member
realy nice :)

looking sweet ... and yea .. why not .. fresh soil and bigger pots is allway a good idea .. I did wait a bit to long on my fist (of 3) and did a littel rootbound (leaves look writteld) so it did take them a few days to recover .. but the fresh soil did wonders .. so why not before they are to big . Im sure they will in a week or so ..

do it carefully .. read them guids (hand flat on soil with stem between fingers as it was a big fat smoke and then just turn it over .. if plant dont let go use a butter knife around the side (carefully) to loosen it and then do it agin ..

let the top of your soil also be the top in your new pots (dont barry the stem more)

use some lega nuts or sumthing in the bottom for drain (roots of weed dont like a constant wet bottom) and make sure new pots have nice drain holes ..

if you have some soil adds (Epsom salt or bat poo .. add it in the bottom before adding the plant)

did you consider to top/FIM em ? how is your space ? and more Pics please :) use the "uploade" so we dont have to click on a link its easy and fast and you can do more then one at the time .. pictures will help you a lot in here .. as Ppl. do tent to read/see and answer threads/post more if you can add pictures and also help if you need advise on sumthing ..

EDIT: when repotting .. make sure you have space .. plastic and most importent .. the new pots ready with the fresh soil and stuff in them ready for your plants .. roots dont like to be keepd out way to long .. and it also sucks to stand with a plant in your hand and no pot ready to put it in ;)

as I said .. make sure you got enough fresh soil in the bottom of the new pots so the plants top is at the top of the new pots (will sink a bit after watering aswell)

then just carefull add more soil to the sides untill it is full .. dont pack it to hard .. then water it good untill you have some nice runn off and your sure all soil is wet ..

it will stress the plant .. but you can do it carefully so you hardly notice ..

also .. if you plan to LST them/any of them .. plant it so stem is a littel off canter .. so you have space to LST it down ..


My space will hopefuly not be a problem. It's 2 meters hight.. Nah, as this is my first grow I will leave them alone, maybe toping on one of them just as a experiment.. :)
Thanks alot for the information about transplanting! Have been reading alot about it, and hopefully it won't get to messy.

One question tho, when I move the plants to bigger pots, won't they get over watered if I soak the entire pot in water? I mean, these are hardly past seedling-stage.. :)


Well-Known Member
just give em a good watering .. untill you see some runn off .. then let em be and dry up a bit over the next few days .. will look droppy after a watering/repotting .. but will bounce back .. and the more carefull you are the faster they will ..