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  1. J

    Mites - harvest early or finish flowering?

    I will get on this in the morning when my lights are on. Thank you poly and everyone for the help, my plants will surely survive :)
  2. J

    Mites - harvest early or finish flowering?

    I have no experience with doktor doom, but im pretty sure its a fog spray. Would that most effective in pentrating every area?
  3. J

    Mites - harvest early or finish flowering?

    Thank you for the quick replys, very helpful! With the azamax should i only spray under the leaves and try to avoid any contact with the buds, or will it not affect the taste or overall outcome of the buds? And rinsing with water two days later will be enough or is power wash more...
  4. J

    Mites - harvest early or finish flowering?

    This is my first grow and i dont want my first harvest to be comprimised, but after getting mites from a clone i bought at a dispensary, they came back with a vengeance. They are mainly on one plant, the others have them only on lower growth. All of my plants are only six weeks into...
  5. J

    My plans for a perpetual harvest Advice Encouraged :)

    I dont think different canopy height will really be a problem since i can just put the shorter plants on a stool so they are all relatively close. its hard to imagine a 4x4 and what will fit in it, so would 9 plants be the most efficient fit then? I could stagger it, so as to put three...
  6. J

    The best cloning medium. Rockwool? Rapid Rooter plugs? Oasis cubes? Gordan cubes?

    I did my first clone run in a little ghetto clone box with rapid rooters, and out of 5 clones, all five rooted within ten days. Seedling mat would have probably increased that.
  7. J

    My plans for a perpetual harvest Advice Encouraged :)

    Hello RIU, I recently started legally growing back in June with a 3x3 tent and a 600w. I realized that if i wanted to not pay anymore money for flowers i need to somehow separate my veg space from the flower space. After many dabs, bowls, and joints, my roommate and i came up with the...
  8. J

    Looking for help with my plants

    I moved the light away, now it's more than two feet away from the tops. Also im not giving any nutrients just ph'ed water. I sprayed them with the lights off.
  9. J

    Looking for help with my plants

    Bump Problem is getting worse now the leaves are crispy :(
  10. J

    Looking for help with my plants

    Im growing in a 3x3 tent with a 600w mh lamp ~18 inches away from the biggest plant. Im using fox farm ocean forest soil and watering about 2-3 a week. I planted my seeds(barney farm's lsd) on June 18 after the taproot was long enough. I planted 5 and only 3 popped through the soil, and only...
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    Need help separating Veg and flower room

    Would that be enough for a veg room? i still want the plants to grow quickly and from my understanding t5's have slow growth
  12. J

    Is the Growdaddy reliable/worth the money?

    Well im pretty sure the growdaddy is hydro, so if you are looking to have just 1-3 plants in soil, you should probably look for something to suite your needs
  13. J

    looking at tents..:(

    Would a 4 foot t5 fixture fit in one of those tents?
  14. J

    Need help separating Veg and flower room

    any help is much appreciated
  15. J

    SR marketplace...

    I thought that it was a requirement to encrypt your address? That definitely cant be too good haha
  16. J

    SR marketplace...

    I think it is really up to you how safe you make it. I remember reading somewhere the best way to access the marketplace is to use a flashdrive with liberte on it and only boot it from there.
  17. J

    Need help separating Veg and flower room

    I would say my goal is to have a perpetual harvest, and possibly a mother so i keep having clones. and my budget would be middle-of-the-road. I dont really have a lot of power, that is why i was thinking of a 400w or even T5HO, but from what i've read t5's are mainly good for seedlings and...
  18. J

    Need help separating Veg and flower room

    Okay so here's what im working with: 3'x3'x7' tent 600w light 6in inline fan growing in soil. I have recently decided it would be much easier for me if i had a separate veg and flower tent. The problem im having is deciding what wattage to use and the size of the veg tent. Im pretty sure im...